House of dance

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Amber's pov

I have just one hour to finish getting myself ready, do Nina's hair and do Patricia's make up. This wasn't gonna work.

I'd finished my hair and make up and I curled Nina's hair as Patricia done her own. Once I was done all my duties as a personal stylist, we all put on our dresses and met the other girls in the corridor.

Mara and Joy still weren't talking and neither were Jerome and Joy so everything was really awkward. Patricia and Ciara hated each other too so the house was full of drama.

The dance was going well, the music wasn't too bad for Jerome and Alfie and everyone was dancing even Patricia, Eddie really did have her under a spell.

I carried a plate of sausage rolls to the food table but suddenly something caught my eye out the window.

A face appeared, she looked right at me before disappearing. I scream loudly as I dropped the plate of sausage rolls on the floor.

"Amber, what's wrong?" Nina asked me as I stood in a state of shock after being scared to death.

I couldn't talk. I got the fright of my life, she looked like Senkara but only in human form.

"Ambs are you okay?" Mick asked me handing me a glass of water.

Nina's pov

"" Amber stuttered.

"Who was it Amber?" Fabian asked

"I don't know" she caught her breath.

We all headed back to the house after we calmed Amber down slightly.

Once we all dragged Amber through the dark we entered the house.

I walked up to our room with her and Patricia, "she looked like Senkara" Amber blurted out.

"But in human form" Amber finished,

"What?" Me and Patricia said at the same time.

"Senkaras back" Amber stated.......

So Senkara's back.....
Is it really Senkara though?
Who knows?

Till next time

House of Anubis season 4 {editing}Where stories live. Discover now