House of crypt

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a/n so I was bored, so I wrote another chapter. Hope you enjoy oh and thank you for over 600 reads.

Nina's POV

Fabian and I have ere first in the crypt soon followed by Alfie, then Amber and last to arrive was Eddie and Patricia.

"So what do we do here?" Patricia asked.

"The letter said crypt so here we are." I said.

"Maybe we should look around." Eddie suggested

"Look around for what aliens?" Alfie asked .

"No Alfie, haven't you been told aliens don't exist." Amber told him.

"Stop the alien talk and let's look for stuff." Fabian shouted.

"Maybe we can find a keyhole, for the key that Nina got given" Eddie States.

45 minutes later

We had still nothing.

"Guys, I hate to be a kill-joy but we better be getting back to school." Patricia said.

"Yacker's right, I can't be late again or my dad will kill me."  Eddie added

"Yeah, we should go. I can't believe we didn't find anything, no keyholes, no nothing." I said

"Oh I found a keyhole, I just didn't know hats what we're looking for." Amber stated

"Amber why didn't you tell us." I yelled

"Sorry Nina" she replied.

"It's right here." She said, pointing to it.

I took the key out my pocket and tried it and it Fit.

"Guys I can here the bell. We better go." Eddie said.

"Ok, we'll come back tonight then after dinner." I said.

"Sibuna" we all repeated making the Sibuna sign and then leaving.

Ciara's POV

I opened the cab door and got my luggage, then paid the driver.

I walked up to the door of Anubis House, I knocked and was greeted by what i presume was the house mother.

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