House of Necklace

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Eddie's POV

Everything had happened so quickly, i was becoming a father!!! It seemed pretty unreal. Anyway unlike most people when they find out they're going to parents, we're completely stressed out because were going to have to save the world plus Patricia's been a moody bitch. 

"Eddie, i think we should swap rooms"Nina said walking Amber following. 

"Yeah, Eddie we'll move in here and you can move upstairs with your moody girlfriend." Amber moaned taking her heals off and lying down on Mick's bed. 

"I'm glad you're getting the moodiness. I'm sick of it" I replied. "Where is she anyway?" 

"Going for a shower before going for a walk into the woods" Nina laughed. "We did try persuade her to wait till after but, you know Patricia" 

Nina's POV

We were going back down to the crypt with the key Sarah somehow gave me, To see if we could find the necklace and see if Patricia and Eddie could destroy it. 

We hadn't told Patricia yet but we did tell Eddie. The baby is really what Kohlyn and Layla want from us. The baby will be the next Osirion and if they have the next Osirion and Patricia Then they can rule the world with the power of Senkara's necklace. When they kidnapped her, They must of some how know she was Pregnant. 

After everyone was ready we made our way out of Anubis and into the forest. We finally found the rubble of the crypt and started digging. Well some of us did, amber chipped too many nails and Patricia was just complaining.

"Nina" I heard Fabian yell from the other side of the rubble. "I think i found something"

And when i saw it i knew it was what we were looking for. We all gathered round but before we could open it we heard voices. Voiced that we recognised from being here before. Kohlyn and Layla.

"it's our's" Layla yelled to us realising we'd found what we were all looking for

"Actually Layla, I'll have you know it's mine. What were you wanting, the glass eye since you're father couldn't get his hands on the tears of gold. Yes Layla i know why you're my little helper and maybe i'll give you a little something. Oh wait i need a sacrifice, since you're so important why don't you do that job" Kohlyn said. 

"Koko, please! i'm you're only friend." Layla yelled at her. 

"But during this trip of life i have made many friends and enemies, Layla you're just one of them. Whether I hate you or like you, you're just a person i used for power" we could hear Kohlyn's voice. 

"You're father was powerful and you're mother was too. but it's me now"  that was Kohlyn's last line.

Carefully we opened the hatch with the key then it revealed a necklace. It was a glass eye, with real diamonds and jewels surrounding it. It was stunning, I was the first to touch it and god it felt amazing. 

"Look" Amber squealed. 

Everyone turned around and Kohlyn wasn't human form she was like a ghost, exactly like Senkara.

"NO!!!"She yelled. 

If just finding the necklace could do this to her then what could destroying it do? 

I handed the jewellery  to  Eddie and his osirion powers had all ready taken over. he was mumbling weird stuff. 

"Yacker you have to do it"He said whilst handing it to her. 

"Give me it"Layla yelled trying to grab it from Patricia but as soon as she touched it she fell to the ground. 

We all looked down at her, she starting turning old. Well older. She now looked about 65. The elixir of life had vanished from her body at just a touch of such a powerful object. 

Patricia looked up at Eddie strangely she didn't have a clue what she was doing unlike Eddie who this made exact sense too. 

But by the expression on her face something clicked in her mind and she started mumbling things like Eddie did. 

Then they both said something, it wasn't even in English and then the necklace was gone....

We watched Kohlyn scream and shout then she vanished and then Layla lay dead n the ground.n

We had done it again, we had saved the world again....


yes guys i am aware how bad this chapter is! I can't really be bothered with this book anymore because i am going to write another hoa season 4 which will be a lot better than this. 

anyway since i'm so nice i wrote this for you to finish it off! there is one more chapter of this than it's done!! wow!!!

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