House of Finding You

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Mick's POV

"Has anyone seen Amber?" Willow asked interrupting the middle of a conversation.

"She told me she was going to the bathroom like an hour ago." Nina sighed looking down at her watch. 

"We need to find her, does anyone know where she went to the bathroom?" Mara asked. 

"Come on let's find her, Alfie, Willow, Fabian and I should look Upstairs and Mick, Mara, Joy, Jerome look downstairs, Patrica and Eddie you stay here in case she comes back," Nina said.

We spent like 15 minutes looking in and around the house, but she was nowhere to be seen. 

Then I remembered we didn't look in the laundry room.

"I'll be back in a minute," I said as everyone continued to loom for her. I walked towards the laundry room hoping to find her.

I opened the door quietly and heard a sniffling Amber curled up in the corner writing stuff done on a notepad.

"Ambs" I called her by her nickname that I used to call her all the time.

"Mick, go away, I don't wanna talk." She replied trying to wipe away the tears but they just kept falling and ruined her make-up.

"Why are you here? Crying your eyes out, holding a note pan. You're not planning to kill yourself right?" She shook her head and I sighed in relief.

"I like writing when I'm sad." She replied. 

"Amber,  what's wrong?" I asked her in concern. 

"Well Alfie told me about him and Willow and it just broke my heart. I really loved Alfie, I  expected to come back here and everything would be the same, but it's not, everything has changed." 

"You'll get through it. Your Amber Millington, the girl every guy had their eye on." I chuckle. 

"Yeah, Mick it's different now. No one likes me now, I thought Alfie did." She replied.

"That's a lie," I stated the obvious.

"Name someone who likes me then?" Amber said trying to wipe her tears.

"I do Amber, I never stoped and I always will" 

I stood up pulling her with me and kissed her passionately on the lips. It only took Amber a few seconds to kiss back.

Amber didn't say anything after she broke the kiss, she just smiled. 

"Come on let's go see the others,"I led her our of the laundry room that Trudy was probably trying to get into. 

"Are we together again?" She asked as we walked into the kitchen our hands intertwined. 

"If that's what you want," I replied and she smiled. 

"Just don't tell anyone yet." She smiled and I nodded, 

"if that's what you want, I won't, I promised," I said leading her towards the others. 

. "Look who I found," I announced as Amber followed me to the living area where the others were all sitting around frantically thinking where she'd be. 

"Amber, are you okay?" Nina asked breaking her conversation with Patricia.

"Yeah sure I'm fine I just needed a little space," Amber replied.

I was glad I was back with her again. 

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