House of problems

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Joys pov

Every thing was super awkward between me and Mara, I didn't want it to be this way, but she and Jerome really hurt me.

"Joy there's no room in my side of the closet can you clear it so I can put my clean laundry in?" Mara scowled at me from the other side of the room.

I stood up from my bed and walked towards the closet we had to share.

"There's plenty of space" I said as I looked inside of it,

"No there isn't, your stuffs on my side " she started at me.

But before I could reply Patricia came storming into the room.

"How could that bitch" she yelled.

"What did she do now?" I asked her as she kicked her shoes off and sat on my bed.

"I just caught Ciara flirting with Eddie in the kitchen" Patricia Yelled.

"I'm sure she wasn't" Willow butted in before I could speak, "Ciara's a nice girl, who wouldn't do that"

"You want a bet Willow?" Patricia snarled at her before she proceeded to leave before Patricia got a hold of her.

"Why don't you just go talk to her and make her aware that you don't like what she's doing, and she needs to be aware that she is flirting with someone who's taken" i suggested.

"Go talk to her?" She yelled at me. "It's bad enough having to share a room with her let alone talking to her"

"It was just an idea Patty," I kinda apologized before she was mad at me too.

"Why don't we swap rooms, since you obviously don't want to be with Ciara and Joy can't share a closet" Mara scowled at me.

"but I like sharing with Nina and Amber" Patricia moaned.

"Well then me and Ciara can swap," I stated.

"I'll go talk to her and Trudy now and make sure that's okay." I finished.

Nina's pov

Amber was so shaken up from seeing Senkara last night she barely slept, which meant when she had the light on and was up and down I was wide awake and now I was so tired.

"Amber are you sure it was Senkara?" I asked her as she sat on her bed shaking and wrapped in a blanket.

"It looked like her Nins, don't you trust me" she said with a nervous twitch to her eye.

"Amber of course I trust you, I just don't think it could be Senkara because she's gone" I explained to the nervous girl in front of me.

"It looked like her, okay?" Amber said.

"Let's have a sibuna meeting" I suggested.

"You go find Patricia and I'll get the boys" I told her.

I found the boys and Amber came with Patricia and we had the sibuna meeting in Fabian and Eddies room as Mick was out training.

" are you sure it was her Amber?" Fabian asked as me him and Alfie sat on his bed, and a rather moody Patricia sat with Eddie on his bed and a shaken up Amber lay on Mick's bed wrapped in pink fluffy blankets.

"Why do you all keep asking me that, I saw someone who looked like Senkara" she raised her voice.

"Okay so we have another Senkara and a perishing body to find out about, no bad eh?" Patricia laughed slightly lighting the mood.

"Actually, I think I know who the body is" Eddie said.

"The other day I needed to do homework and my laptop died so I picked up Fabians and there was this arrival open on the web browser and I read it and it mentioned Richard Frazer Senta, he was Senkara's human lover" Eddie continued.

Fabian fired up his lap top opening the artical again, "Senta was killed by his lover, but kept a necklace belonging to the semi human. Richard-Frazer was buried in another persons crypt my accident but no one to this day know who's, if all remains a mystery" Fabian read allowed.

"Look there's a picture" Alfie spotted.

"Guys, it's him" I said and the door fired open.

"What's going on?" Mick question as he started at the hang of us crashed out in his room.

"Just having a gossip" Patricia smiled.

"Trixie you don't gossip," Mick's laughed slightly.

"She's just here for the entertainment" Alfie laughed too.

"But why are you all in here" he asked lifting Ambers legs and sitting down on his bed placing them over his lap. "There's a common room for this stuff"

"Patricia doesn't want to talk to Ciara" Eddie lied, "she was there "

"So where were we?" Patricia said.

"Kim and Kanye's new baby, Saint" Amber spoke for the first time in a while.

"What a name" I laughed....

So another chapter!

I'm not getting any votes or comments which is kinda disappointing! I really like seeing what yous think,

Maybe I should just stop writing this I don't know, I mean if no ones reading it or if no one likes it there really no point.

1-2 votes for the next chapter, or 1-2 comments!

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