House of surprises

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Hi! So this is my second chapter since I started writing again, but I'm not sure if anyone's actually reading it anymore, do you guys want me to keep writing this?  Cause I'm not gonna write a story that's not even got 10 reads on one chapter. Please comment if you're still reading and tell me what u want to see next or if you're enjoying it.

Nina's pov

Fabian had surprised me with a picnic in the school grounds, it was really sweet and I was so glad we were back together, but he was acting weird right now, totally distant.

"Fabian" I said, "earth to Fabian." I waved my hand over his face.

"Sorry" he mumbled, "what were you saying?"

"I wasn't saying anything! What's got into you lately, you're not the Fabian I remember"

"It's nothing" I knew he was lying.

"No Fabian, it's not nothing, you don't want to be with me do you? Mara was a lot better wasn't she?" I felt upset knowing that Fabian invited me on this surprise date and now he wasn't interested.

"No it's nothing to do with Mara, Nina.  Well it is but not in that way" he told me.

"Than just tell me what it is then cause I'm having a hard time figuring it out" I yelled,

"Ok then." He paused, "the other day I over heard Mick talking to Eddie, he told Eddie that him and Amber were together again, I was kind of mad that he was telling him who'd he known for like a couple of days and not me who'd he known for years, so I didn't tell them I knew. So the when I saw Mara going to ask Mick out I kinda mistaking told her He was with Amber but then Amber over heard and was totally mad at me. She then tried to hit be but Mick appeared and stopped her and now I've really hurt Amber and totally lost my best friends and now I'm gonna lose you because I mistrusted my friendship with your best friend"

I was kinda confused where I stood in this, I didn't want involved but I knew with the two people I loved most i was going to had to chose who I sided with. He really hurt Amber and I knew that wasn't a reason to hate him because he never done anything to me but he hurt my best friend and no one hurts my best friend.

"I'm screwed up and I know, I just want to make it right again. Can you help me?" He sighed.

I could help without taking sides and I could convince Amber to talk to Fabian and make this right, and I could convince Fabian to talk to Amber and make it right.

"Of course, I can't lose you both" I smiled,

Patricia's pov

We hadn't done a proper big prank in a while and I was looking forward to this one even though I had no idea what it was I just knew Jerome and Alfie had well thought of it.

"My uncle has a farm and said I had could use his sheep." Alfie started and it had already got weird.

"So where going to get three sheep, spray 1,2,4 on them and release them around school" Jerome continued from Alfie.

"Then while mr Sweet runs around school trying to find number 3 we're going to fill his room with wool and take sheep's guts and a heart from the science lab and stick a big sign up saying 3" Alfie finished.

I knew this would be so funny and we'd probably end up with a month of detention but it would be worth it.

So we got to work as Alfie showed us the sheep he borrowed from his Uncle, which happened to be living in the laundry room, so when everyone's laundry's woolly, we'll know why.

So Nina's taking both sides and a helping get a friendship back together, while Alfie, Jerome and Patricia are setting a sheep prank on Mr Sweet. Have they all forgot about sibuna?

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