house of Who is Kohlyn?

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Patricia's Pov

The last week had been a bit of an experience. Trudy took me to the hospital and they decided to keep me in.  I had to have surgery on my lung due to a collapsed vein that happened in the accident. but i'm okay now, i was let out of hospital this morning and although i will admit i am struggling a little, I'm definitely getting better. 

I lay on top of Eddie's bed a sick puppies magazine in my hand, i struggling going up and down the stairs every two minutes so i was just steeling Eddie's bed for the time being. Also right now Joy was moving all her things back into her old room because Victor insisted having 4 of us in one room and 2 in the other was unacceptable and too crowed. 

"But who is this Koko the clown then?" i heard Amber's voice outside the door then it opened revealing her, Fabian and Nina. "Oh hey Trixie" Amber said, Very few people used to call me that but now i'm hearing it a lot more. 

"We were just saying about this Koko the clown girl. Who do you think she is, i think she's another spirt like Senkara." Amber said before Fabian butted in, "It's Kohlyn, not Koko the clown"

"I think she's related to Senkara in some way don't you? she looks too much like her not to be" Nina stated her opinion. 

'But we're never heard of Senkara's family" i replied. 

"Actually i remember reading something when Senkara was about about a member of family, like a sister or something" Fabian said,

"Find it again Fabian, we need to know who Kohlyn is. Amber go find Alfie and Eddie this is a sibuna meeting" Nina suddenly sprung to life. 

"What about Mick?" Amber asked, i swear i knew this was gonna come up.

"He's not part of Sibuna" Nina argued. 

"But he knows all about it and i promised i'd tell him about Kohlyn plus he's sitting with Eddie and Alfie in the living room. i can't just go take his soccer watching buddies away from him" Amber sounded rather serious about this opinion. 

"Go get him too, we'll have vote whether he get to join or not." Nina instructed. 

It's kinda been different with both Eddie and Nina in Sibuna, they quite often have different opinions about thing and personally i think Nina is the only one who doesn't want Mick in SIbuna. He could help a lot i mean he and Eddie saved me from that car. If they didn't i would of died. I know Nina didn't like having new member's in Sibuna but i think Mick deserved a place to be honest.

a minute later Amber came in with all three boys that were called for, "So what's this about? I'm not a member of your Anubis backwards club, why am i here?" Mick asked taking a seat on his bed beside his Girlfriend. 

"Some of us want you to join" Fabian old him.

"So i'm joining your creepy club?" Mick asked, i had never realised how confused he must be with all this we really had to tel him everything.

"Well do you want to join?" Alfie asked.

"Yeah, fighting with Egyptian gods seems awesome" he laughed some of us let out a slight giggle but he really didn't know how severe this was.

Nina didn't laugh though, i don't think she was quite in for Mick joining Sibuna. "Mick" she started, "if you are going to join sibuna, you need to know the dangers of this. We've all nearly died, you saw what happened to Patricia, that's not just a one off, that's happened a lot"

"We'll never nearly been killed by being locked in the boot of a car and that car ending up in a car crash" Alfie added.

"But the point is Alfie," Nina glared at him, "It's life risking"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Fabian asked him

"i'm in" Mick replied.

"Then we need to make a trip to the sibuna clearing" Amber said, "I'm going to need a shoe change" she looked down at her heals sparkled with glitter.

"You don't have to come" Eddie looked to me. "If you're not up to it." he added.

'No, a little walk won't do any harm plus i haven't seen you make your sacrifice yet" I laughed and i was right, he never became a proper member but then did i? i don't know but i've been here for years i don't need to do this, my almost life lose was my sacrifice.

we done the sacrifices then went back to our "Who is Kohlyn?" project.

"Wait guys" fabian called as he and Nina scrolled through websites on his macbook.

he then read aloud from the website, "When Senkara enters the underworld, her sister Koohylinah, pronounces Kohlyn and usually spelt Kohlyn too will be brought back to earth. Kohlyn only brings evil to the world and usually appears in human form. Kohlyn has only appeared in this world a record of 2 times, she was here before her sister appeared and suddenly disappeared when she left, she reappeared when Senkara was vanished back into the underworld. Rumours say the vicious creature is still around searching for the treasure she seeks the most, her sister's necklace. the necklace is buried with Senkara's human lover, Richard Frazer Senta but knowledge of where he is buried is unknown. With this necklace Kohlyn will need The Osirion but most importantly his soulmate, they are the only pair able to bring this power alive due to Richard buying it for Senkara due to love. the reason why the Orsirion and his lover are the only ones and it is not the chosen one and her lover is unknown but the Orsirion has the power to chose whether the evil Senkara left in it is released and either senkara or kohlyn rules the earth or to destroy it forever, that is unknown how to do"

"Me and Yacker have to destroy it?" Eddie asked.

"Sounds like it" Nina replied.

"lets see what we can find out tomorrow, lets take a break now" Nina finished, 


another chapter!!!!!

i wrote this on a mac book and i've never written on wattpad on a mac before so i'm sorry if it's messes up. 

anyway how about 2-3 votes for the next chapter or 1-2 comments is that a deal? 

please vote and comment i love you opinions on this!!!!

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