House of Baby

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Patricia's POV

I was scared by what we found, Only me and Eddie could do this, we could save the world from Kohlyn and her powers. but what if i was too weak? i was still recovering from surgery and i also had another secret, that would change my life forever.

As everyone left the room to go get some dinner after the meeting i didn't move, i didn't feel like eating. I didn't know what i felt like, i just felt completely weak and vulnerable.  I never felt like this, i really wished this could of been a normal year in Anubis. 

I lay on Eddie's bed for a good half an hour just thinking, What would my life be like if i didn't go here, if i stayed with my parents and was treated like the unwanted twin. I would never of met such amazing people but this would never of happened to me. i Felt a single tear slide down my left cheek, quickly i whipped it. I was Patricia Williamson, i never cry but now i was. The reason why i was here was only to get rid of me from home and it's the best place my parents could of sent me but at the same time the worst.

I let out a few tears thinking about what it would be like to have loving parents, who treated me and Piper fairly. I called them about my accident they didn't care, Piper did though. growing up she was the only one i ever had by my side. I promised myself i'd never treat my children that way, i'd never favourite one.

"Yacker, i have..." Eddie walked in, large Pizza box in his hand,he sat it down and looked at me, "What's wrong?"

I turned away from him, not wanting to see him to see me in the mess i'm in. "hey, Patricia, talk to me" i felt his hand on my cheek as he turned my head around. 

That's when i lost control! 

Tears streamed down my face, make up going everywhere. i couldn't control myself, what the heck was wrong with me? My head was soon buried in his chest and i was wrapped in his arms. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. 

"I was just thinking about my childhood." i told him half the truth.

"And?" he knew there was more, i didn't want to tell him but i knew i had too.

"Eddie, don't leave me please" i begged but before i could tell him he guessed. 

"You're Pregnant aren't you?" his words broke me, i couldn't do this, i was actually pregnant. 

i gave him a simple nod before recalling the mistake we made. 

It was one night, one night. We were loved up and alone and we took things too far! we were to caught up in the moment and we didn't use protection. 

Fabian and Mick walked in with Nina and Amber behind them both turned and looked at us, well more me. 

Nina dashed over to me the others following, "What's wrong Trixie?" Mick asked sitting down at one side of me but being pushed back by Amber so she could get next to me.

"Guys, there's something i want to tell you" i whipped my tears and developed my courage to tell them the news which i was still unsure was good or not. 

I couldn't take anymore so i just spat it out, "I'm Pregnant" 

Before anyone could say a word Amber's girlish squeal filled the room, "Peddie Babies!!!!" 

"Amber, Shut up. No one knows well Trudy does" I yelled back at her.

"you's need to keep your mouth shut all of you" I looked at them all. Joy doesn't even know and she'll go made if tell her i you lot knew before her"

"When did you find out?" Nina asked me, "Last week, the use in the hospital told me"

"How far along?" Amber asked.

"About a month and a half." i replied.

I was starting to feel a lot more confident about this, I was going to be  mother...


So a new kinda twist, i bet you all weren't expecting that!! i'll let you into a secret i didn't either wasn't until i started writing this chapter i decided to make this turn!!

Anyway this book is almost over! but i'm going to make another HOA season 4 that's a lot better than this shit i've been writing!

hope you enjoyed!

much love 


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