House of Phone calls

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Patricia's pov

I was woken to a knock on the door, then a familiar voice, "Yacker" it spoke. I knew it was Eddie and if I didn't answer him within a minute he would just walk in. And that's exactly what he done.

"Did I wake you?" He asked sitting on my bed.

"Yeah" I moaned sleepily.

He leaned down and kissed my lips, i automatically kissed back but we were interrupted by Joy, "yous know I'm here right?" She laughed,

"Oh hey Joy" Eddie said.

"You ready for movie day?" He asked me.

"Yeah" I replied still half asleep.

"Amber and Mick are taking over the living room tv to watch her chick flicks, but we can watch on my laptop if you want, bring down a bunch of DVDs I'll get the popcorn" he told me.

He left the room and I stood up sleepily. I took a pair of sweatpants and one of Eddie's hoodies which Id stolen from him, clean underwear and my towel Into the bathroom and went for a quick shower.

As I turned the water off and wrapped my towel around my self I could hear someone else in the bathroom and I knew it wasn't just Amber singing while brushing her teeth. Someone was on the phone.

"Look, I can't get to it."

"Kohlyn I don't know how,"

"Kohlyn I need more information than that"

"I blew the crypt up, his body was there, but that wasn't"

"You didn't tell me that was a Booby trap, I could have died"

"I'm your side kick, not person assistant"

"Kohlyn I'm sorry, I can't do this"

"another £10000, you can do better than that, you've known me since I was a baby"

"I can't believe my mother trusted you"

"I've got to go, I think someone's in here, meet me tomorrow, the usual time, the usual place"

I knew exactly who it was. It was Ciara. But who was Kohlyn, and what did she want and why did Ciara blow up the crypt?

After Ciara left the bathroom I opened the shower door and got ready quickly running down to Eddies room.

"Ciara did blow the crypt up" I burst in and Fabian and Eddie both looked at me, then I explained exactly what I just heard Ciara tell whoever Kohlyn was.

"So Ciara is working for Whoever Kohlyn is, and Kohlyn wants something from the crypt." Fabian said

"Exactly, but Ciara knows who Kohlyn is, Kohlyn's known her since she was a baby so she's not just working for someone for money, even though she's getting payed" I added.

"Go get Nina and Amber, Patricia, Eddie you go get Alfie,this is a sibuna meeting" Fabian instructed.

We all sat around the room as I explained the phone call.

"Richard had something Kohlyn wanted really badly, but who is Kohlyn and why does she want what Richard has?" Nina questioned.

"We need to watch Ciara's every move, and if she's meeting Kohlyn tomorrow we need to follow her" Fabian said.

"Sibuna" he raised his hand to his eye.

"Sibuna" we repeated.

I was right, Ciara was the bitch!

Another chapter!!!

The last few chapters were pre written so that's why there were quick updates!

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