House of years later

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It had been 5 years since they found the necklace and destroyed Kohlyn and killed Layla. They all went on after that and started for many a successful career. 

lets start with Joy and Jerome, 

Well they actually got married. Joy's a teacher in a high school near London and Jerome, he owns a joke shop with Alfie.  3 years ago on March 22nd Joy gave birth to a healthy little boy names, James Edward Clarke. 

Patricia and Eddie were never going to be the normal couple but yet Patricia was the first to get pregnant. She gave birth to a health little girl named Leah Jade Miller and 2 years ago had a little boy named, Corey Liam Miller. Patricia and Eddie also got married a few years back. Eddie works for some American Tech company and Patricia writes song reviews for a magazine company

Unlike the others, Alfie and Willow broke up a year after graduating. Willow went to work at a pre school and Alfie owns a Joke shop with Jerome. After breaking up With Willow Alfie attempted to get Amber back, but he'd missed his chance she was pretty attached to Mick.

Amber and Mick on the other hand were completely opposite of each other but yet made the best couple. They had recently got married and they had a 3 year old girl named Ella-Harper campbell. Amber had recently created a new clothing line and had made millions through it and Mick was a soccer player for Manchester United. In some way they could be the next, Victoria and David Beckham. 

Mara and Kt hadn't found anyone yet. They were both very much still single. Mara was a professor at Oxford university and KT still lived in America and she was working for Forever 21. 

Last but not Least there was Fabian and Nina, or as Amber called them Fabina. They were still going strong and had recently got engaged. They also had a twin daughters who had just turned one years old called, Charlotte and Sarah. Fabian and Nina were both authors and wrote about there many adventures at Anubis. 

oh i almost forgot Trudy and Victor where had they been all this time? Well Trudy believe bit or not was still Living in Anubis. Actually she had recently just bought the house and was inviting all her Anubis favourites round for a reunion party. Sadly Victor was unable to attend as he joined the after life a year ago. He had no more elixir and he was 110 when he went! 


Anyway this was them now all grown up, would would it be like for them all to meet again at Anubis Reunion that trudy was Hosting well here's a little something how it went. 

Patricia's pov

It Had been a while 5 years since House of Anubis days and we were all certainly missing it. So getting the invite from Trudy was Amazing. I was Now currently sitting on a plane from LA to London with a four year old and a 2 year old who both couldn't sleep. Oh and of course Eddie who wasn't being much help at all. 

"Leah come on, have a nap. You're going to be too tired when you get there then you won't get to play with Ella" I tried to persuade her. 

"I wanna play Ella, Momma" She moaned. I tried and tried and tried but both of them had American accents, Leah had the slight English in hers now and again but no, i didn't get anywhere there, Eddie got his way. 

"Then you need to take a Nap even if it's just for an hour okay babe?" I told her, Maybe i was going to get somewhere here. 

"Mommy, i need the potty" Corey then moaned as he sat on my lap wriggling around, getting him a seat seemed like a great idea now. 

"Eddie can you at least do something and take Corey to the toilet" I told Eddie and handed him Corey. 

When he finally got back from the toilet i got him to get colouring for them down from there hand luggage since i wasn't getting anywhere with the nap thing with Corey.

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