House of organisation

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Amber's pov

"Why don't you just forget about the dance" Mick said as we sat in the living, he had a sport magazine in his hand and I had a decoration magazine from a company online in my hand.

"I almost did, now if you were a good boyfriend you would  be helping me pick a theme" I moaned at him,

"Okay then, let me see your options" he sighed putting his magazine down,

"We have the usual just casual, which is definitely a no no" I started and he rolled his eyes, "the we have sparkle theme, I like the idea of that one but I don't think it will appeal to a lot of people"

"You're right there" he laughed,"what about a sport theme?"

"That won't appeal to everyone either"I laughed.

"Is this dance themes?" Willow squealed.

"Yeah, would you help me cause Mick is not doing a very good job" I asked.

"Of course" Willow re plied taking a seat next to me.

I'd realized I had never had the chance to properly get to know Willow and become friends with her and according to my magazine me and a girl like her would make really good friends.

Joy's pov

After what I saw, all I wanted to was curl up a cry. He promised me he'd never cheat, let alone with my best friend.

"Joy," I could here Mara yell as she ran behind me.

"Why Mara?" I yelled, "I trusted both of you and I caught you kissing. Would you of told me about it? Was it just a one time thing?"

Mara didn't know what to say she just ran off.

I walked down the stairs tears staining my cheeks. "Joy what happened?" Willow asked.

"I caught Jerome kissing Mara" I stuttered.

"Aww Joy" Willow wrapped me in a hug.

Jeromes pov

I was so freaking mad at myself, why would I do that? I just lost the girl I loved over kissing Mara, her best friend, or maybe ex best friend now?

I stomped down stairs and into my room crashing down on my bed as the mistakes I'd made ran threw my mind.......

House of Anubis season 4 {editing}Where stories live. Discover now