House of Dead bodies

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So I've been reading up on some other stories about house of Anubis season 4 so I've got some ideas and Inspiration.

Eddie's pov

I'd never seen Patricia quite as scared as she was as she jumped into mid air.

"I wanna go back and sleep" Amber cried, "I'm scared"

"It's gonna be okay, we just need to know who it is" Nina said.

"Fabian, give me your phone please" Nina continued as we stood as far away as possible. "We need to take a picture"

She took a few steps closer but as soon as she got to the rubble she took a step back, "there's a real person, who is dead under here" she gasped as reality hit her.

"Any other volunteers?" She asked.

I don't know what got over me but I took the phone from Nina and the next minute I was photographing a dead person. "I can't believe I just done that" I said in a state of shock as I handed the phone back to Fabian.

"I can't believe there's pictures of a dead person of my phone" Fabian added.

"Can we go back now?" Alfie whined, "it's dark and I'm scared"

"We can't just leave him here" Fabian said,

"He's half perished, it will be fine" Yacker said as she started walking away.

"I can't believe what we're doing" Nina said as she followed us.

As we all started to walk back it got dark, as we opened the front door Victor stood there,

"Where were you 6?" He yelled and the other house mates started looking.

We couldn't exactly tell him we went to unlock some room thing and found the crypt blown up and a dead person on the floor.

"We just went a walk" Patricia covered for us.

"At 9:30 at night in the dark and obviously threw the woods with the amount of mud that's on you all, rooms now and clean up" he roared.

Amber's pov

We all darted off to our rooms to see Ciara not there.

"Do you think the person in the hoodie was her?" Patricia asked.

"It could be, her voice was muffled by an accent" Nina said.

I was certain it wasn't, she was so nice to me when I was upset about Fabian and that, but that had all kinda came to a standstill. I don't know where we stood to be honest.

We all got changed for bed and then Ciara walked in already dressed for bed,

"Sorry, I was downstairs reading" she smiled.

As we heard victor do his "oh so famous pin drop speech" we turned the light out.

But I was woken again within a few hours.....

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