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Walking down the cold corridor of the college, a boy hurries over bumping through few students who are revising for the exam which is scheduled the next houe. Reaching the destination his eyes lit up to find the boy he has been looking for. The other boy, looking all cold and aloof with no one next to him, boring his eyes on the bundles of the sheets, revising for the exam. The boy rushes to him, patting his shoulders hard for the other boy trip over his feet.

        "Oi! Wang Yibo, I have been looking for you where have you been lost". The said person Wang Yibo tsked at the other person's antics and goes back to revise the stuffs for his exam.

       "Now you are ignoring me. Tsk, tsk this poor guy now does not have anyone to talk to." Xiao Zhan exclaims dramatically, pretending to wipe off the tears.

        "Zhan ge you know I have this exam. Don't worry this is the last one after that we will have enoughtime to stroll over." Yibo replied without removing his eyes from the bundle of white sheets scribbled with notes for the examination.

Xiao Zhan tsked leaning over his best friend trying to go through the sheets Yibo held.
        "You know that I know that this is last exam. I just came to....." Zhan paused pretending to ponder over something.  Yibo's lips curved up knowing that his senior or his only friend his here to cheer him up and wish him luck for the exam. He adjusts hinself and Zhan straightens up to face Yibo.

       "Thank you Zhan ge I know you came here all the way to wish me luck. Don't worry I am confident enough to clear this exam." Yibo exclaims with little simple which is only reserved for his family and his Zhan ge.

Xiao Zhan returns the smile with a mischevious one with his thumps up and pats his shoulders saying
         "I was anyway leaving. Since I have poured all the luck to you by gracing you with my auspicious presence so I know nothing would go wrong. Now go and I will wait near the park at our place. Byeee." Xiao Zhan starts leaving by waving to Yibo. Yibo waves back and again focuses to go through his notes.

                   Wang Yibo being the elder son has always been aloof and cold to everyone. He is a person who keeps everything to himself so that the other person does not gets burdened. This is majorily due to the strict upbringing by his father who has never shown him any kind of softness. Though Yibo is distant but loves and respects his father alot. Yibo is very close to his mother. She can always point out his feelings, emotions and mood even if he stays expressionless. Earlier he used to share his problems to his mother to seek advice but after a minor heart attack that his mother suffered from when he was studying for metriculation, he has stopped sharing his problem to his mother, refusing to burden her with his problems. His relation with his brother is very smooth. He is always there for him whenever Fanxing needs a back. Fanxing has been pampared alot not only by his brother and mother but also by his father. He is the sunshine of the Wang family due to his cheerful nature. Wang Yibo has big ambition to be a fashion designer.

He has always been a deligent student receiving awards and honours through his school life and now he is here applying for an exchange program to achieve his dream. Other than his big ambition he also has a big secret deep inside his heart. He is GAY. A title which is considered as a taboo and condemned by the society. Yibo got to know this when he was preparing for his metriculation examinatiom. He has felt that few times before but he got sure of his feelings when his love approached him. That day a sunbeam entered his life, the love of his life, his best friend, Xiao Zhan.

                     Stuffing the sheets back in the bag, Yibo goes leaves for the baggage centre to keep his stuffs to leave for examination hall. After keeping the stuffs and locking the alloted locker, Yibo pockets the key, keeps his hand above his heart, closes his eyes reminding himself that he can do it. A flash of a smiling person appears infront of his closed eyes and a smile forms on his face. Yibo needs to do this, for himself, for his family, for his........ Zhan ge. He opens his eyes, cheers himself up and walk towards the door of the examination hall, his future.

                    After wishing Yibo, Xiao Zhan walks down the examination institution parking to collect his car. Getting on the driving seat, Zhan leaves for his college so that he can continue his last class. Zhan has bunked his class earlier to wish Yibo luck for his examination. He knows how important and golden opportunity it is for his best friend to clear the exams so as to be qualified for the exchange program. Walking to his class, Xiao Zhan settles himself beside his friend and classmate Yubin and pats his back indicating his presence. Yubins looks up to Zhan and smiles to him before looking back into his book. After the class get over, Zhan walks to the parking of their college where he greets his brother Zhoucheng, Ziyi and Xuanyi.

          "Done wishing your wife." Zhoucheng exclaims sarcastically.

      Zhan rolls his eyes pretending to be pissed and retorted "What wife? I was with Yubin attending my class. What crap are you sprouting?"

       "Don't you dare to lie to me. I came to your 3rd class and you were missing." Zhoucheng replied sounding pissed.

        "I might be in restroom then. Whats the big deal?" Zhan whined clearly getting annoyed by Zhoucheng's behaviour.

        "Oh please! I waited for you like eternity there but you never returned and then i came here only to find your car missing. Do we need to argue further?" Zhan paused and was about to repky back when Ziyi hissed "You Xiao's are really something. First your mother in the class and now you both. Will you only stop before someone dies."

Zhan snorted in replied whereas Zhoucheng rolled his eyes over her. Just then Xuanyi speaks "Xiao ge, these are the notes for today's class you asked for yibo's back up."

          Zhan rubbed his face before giving an alluring smile to Xuanyi "Thanks Xuanyi. How about I give you a ride back to your house?" Xuanyi nodded in return with a shy smile and all of them gets inside the car.

 How about I give you a ride back to your house?" Xuanyi nodded in return with a shy smile and all of them gets inside the car

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This is my first attempt to write any book. Do let me know your views.

See you in the next chapter🙏



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