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Pulling out the brakes outside the Wang's abode both Zhan and Fanxing unbuckle their seatbelts when they see another car pulling out infront of them at tge same.

        "A-Xing, Zhanzhan how come you both are arriving together?" A man with prestine figure, in formals enquires them as he comes out of the car to see the two boys.

        "Zhanzhan A-Bo must be in examination centre, he might arrive after half an hour. Why don't you come inside and join us for a cup of tea?" Wang Qiren enquired.

        "Hello uncle, I would have joined you but I have planned to meet Bo di to the park across the street. Since I was coming I thought of picking up A-Xing. So if you don't mind I would like to take your leave uncle. I might probably stay here for tonight" Zhan replied before bowing politely.

        "Alright Zhan ge see you around then. Bye bye." Fanxing waved his hand towards Zhan and rushed towards tgeir house.

        "This brat! Zhan you know you are always welcome. Why being so formal? Then I shall go I have some work so would see you at dinner." Qiren said while making his making his way towards the entrance while Zhan stood there bowing politely with a gentle smile on his way.

" Qiren said while making his making his way towards the entrance while Zhan stood there bowing politely with a gentle smile on his way

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(My imagination of Wang's house)

                   Tugging his hands inside the pockets, Zhan starts walking towards the park which is fifteen minnutes away on foot. Xiao Zhan, a 21 year scholar known for his politeness and cheerful nature, is the son of Xiao Jian Min and heir of Central Academy of Fine Arts. Being owner of such a prestigious and renowned institution, the Xiaos are really rich. They have everything they want on their hand. Xiao Zhan has been brought up really well by his parents, sliding the part of his mother Xiao Jing Tong being orthodox.

Zhan has always been upright to the virtues inherited to him. He has always been cheerful and outspoken. He does not hesitate or shy out to pour his feeling which has lead to alot of people not taking interest with. People used to think that since he is so social he would have alot of people to talk to or to spend time. But the truth was he had none. Many people claimed he was their friend but at social parties and meetings he was always found alone or outcasted. During such times when he was in tenth standard he came across the best friend he has been looking for.

                    4 years ago, during the special assembly time when everyone assembled themselves for some announcements for matriculation examination, both ninth and tenth standard was present. Students were scattered all over the auditorium, forming groups chatting all along waiting for the principal to address them. In one such group, Zhan was also present, with frown on his face. Like always the participants of the group cracking jokes and laughing outcasting Zhan again. Whenever he would try to speak up, the participants would either look to him with bored face or would just ignore him.

After sometime a boy faces Zhan and asks.
         "Zhan you are really social. You must really have a true and best friend to hear you out. You might tell him a lot of gossips. Isn't it?" Another girl speaks up mockingly while adjusting her ponytail

        "Or you just go to anyone and talk to them." The group started saying things without giving him any chance to speak.

Being embarrassed about the situation, Zhan started looking here and there to save himself from the situation when his eyes met with cold dark brown orbs. He observed that the owner of those eyes is standing at a distance from the other students but was looking towards the group he was standing with.

        "You don't have to think so highly about yourself. Its not that I am dying to be with you all. Well bye I am leaving my friend is there waiting for me." Zhan speaks up pointing towards the owner of the dark brown orbs.

Zhan hurriedly sprints over to the cold figure, with wide smile on his face.
        "Hey there! You are Wang Yibo. Isn't it? You are really famous for being a straight A student. Mind if I talk to you, those standing there good for nothing friends are making fun of me." Zhan exclaimed slightly pouting.

Wang Yibo's widened as he saw Zhan talking but frowned after hearing the last part.
         "You don't have to worry gege. You can always come to me for anything." Wang Yibo said in a slight soft voice.

        "But you don't even know me, how will I come to you" Zhan said.
         "Ge, I know you, you are Xiao Zhan, right? Son of the owner of this institution?"

        "Yes! Of course the heir of this institution. Why would anyone know any other thing about me?"

        "I did not mean it in that way. It's just that I am really awkward to talk to anyone that's why I only know things which are heard." Yibo replied slightly bowing apologizing.

        "Aiya you don't need to bow. You are only a year junior. You say you are awkward in public while I am a big chatter box. So lets be friends, we will be perfect together. Perfectly balanced. What say?" Zhan exclaimed with hopeful eyes, eagerly waiting for the next one's reply. Yibo slightly smiled looking at the excitement in the eyes of the other boy and forwarded his hand for shaking. Zhan happily shook hands and that's how their friendship become a perfectly balanced one.

                  Reaching "their" place in the said park, Zhan sat down on the grass with his legs curled up to his chest, eyes closed with a gentle smile on his face. After fifteen minutes, a petite figure came walking towards the othe person. Stopping few steps away from the figure sitting on the grass, Yibo stood their with an almost unnoticeable smile, savouring every detail of the love of his. Zhan's smile widened.

         "I know you are here Bo-di" Zhan said and opened his eyes and faced Yibo winking at him. Yibo just shook his head, walked to him and occupied the place beside him after keeping his bag aside.

        "You did not go to house!" Zhan asked while glancing at the bag.

        "You said you will be here ge. Why will I go home?" Yibo replied. Zhan chuckled and put his hand over his shoulder leaning his head on his shoulder.

        "Aiyaaa I did not know my Bo-di would miss me that much." Yibo rolled his eyes but nevertheless smiled. Ofcourse he missed his ge, he misses him every moment. He could not explain the feeling to his only best friend of his one sided love. In no condition he will risk his precious friendship for sake of his love.

        "How was your exam?" Zhan asked.

        "You really asking me!" Yibo replied teasingly.

        "I know! I know! The great Wang Yibo does not need to be asked about his examinations, after all he is the best in the University." Zhan replied cheeking receiving a soft nudge on his ribs by Yibo receiving his soft giggle.

" Zhan replied cheeking receiving a soft nudge on his ribs by Yibo receiving his soft giggle

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This is all for today. Lets meet in another chapter.

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