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The next morning, it was Zhan who woke up first. All the things that transpired yesterday reeled like a casette in his mind. He looked around to see Zhoucheng in a deep sleep. He quietly get off the bed, collected his wallet, keys and phone and went out. Going down he saw his father in night clothes in the kitchen. Mr. Xiao sensed Zhan's presence turned around.

        "A-Zhan, how you are here? Isn't it Yibo's birthday?" Zhan's eyes teared up as a single streak followed out. Mr. Xiao's eyes widen to see his son so vulnerable.

        "A-Zhan?" Mr. Xiao sprinted over Zhan.

        "Dad he has moved on. He does-does not love me anymore." Zhan said as he weeped.

        "No son, did you talk to him?"

        "Dad I was thinking of telling him today by inviting him to dinner in the evening, but-but-" Zhan could not continue as he sobbed. Mr. Xiao collected the weeping figure in embrace.

        "Shh quiet my child. Tell me. Calm down."

        "Dad, he was going to propose his other friend from London. They are together dad." Zhan revealed to his father. His father didn't say anything but kept patting him.

        "Its hard. I know. But Zhan, love cannot be forced. Understand that. Do you need some time?" Mr. Xiao felt Zhan nodding.

        "What will you do? Where will you go?"

        "For now to my condo. After that I will tell you. Please dad tell no one, not even A-Cheng. I need sometime for myself." Mr. Xiao nodded and Zhan left.

                    Zhan took a cab and reached the condo. To avoid meeting anyone and it was quite early too, Zhan took the stairs. He was literally dragging himself. He was on the fourth floor when his eyes widened seeing Yibo sleeping by the wall. He looked at the tired figure who held garbage in one hand and looked dead tired. He quietly read those outstanding features but sighed. This person was not his. He quietly started going upstairs when Yibo called him.

        "Zhan-ge?" Yibo said excitedly and Zhan haulted. To avoid any further conversation he continued with his steps when Yibo ran upto him.

        "How are you Zhan-ge? What was it yesterday that you had to leave?"

        "Nothing." Zhan continued and Yibo frowned at the cold voice.

        "What is troubling you? Shoot it out."

        "Nothing. Aren't you going to throw the garbage?"

        "It can wait. Tell me Zhan-ge what has happened? We are best friends right? I was worri-"

        "JUST FUCKING STOP." Zhan snapped at Yibo who was shocked. Zhan breathed twice.

        "Please leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you right now." Zhan said and started walking away when Yibo held his hand.

        "Tell me. Is it something serious? I will help you. I won't go to work, Youn wil-"

        "Stop Yibo just stop. I don't need your freaking help. Go help your partner who is waiting for you in your bed. Don't lurk around me when you already have someone to warm your bed."

        "What is with this insult Zhan-ge? Wha-"

        "Don't you freaking get it? I don't want you around me. I don't need you in my life do you get it Yibo. Stop bothering me with your naggings and leave me alone. LEAVE." Zhan roared and went upstairs running. Yibo stood there frozen. What was that? Things were getting back once again. Someone waiting for me on his bed? His partner? He is bothering him? Yibo was hurt. What did he do wrong? Was it too soon to reconcile with Zhan that this again happened. Yibo's eyes turned glassy but he blinked the tears away continuing with his work.

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