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Yibo stood frozen as he saw the appearance of the guest. A teeth-gritting, woman with a murderous aura. Hurt. That was what written all over her face.

        "Mr-Mrs. Xiao." Yibo whispered. Mrs. Xiao pushed him aside as she barged inside the house where everyone of Xiao family was. Hurt. She was immensely hurt by this. Its a festival night and everyone was celebrating except her. Her sons, her husband, they all abandoned her, enjoying here. Tears filled her eyes but she refused to let it out. She clapped her hands loudly successfully gaining everyone else's attention.

Mr. Xiao and Zhoucheng went stiff seeing Mrs. Xiao there. Zhan was no better but he had one more concern. His Bo-Di. He looked for Yibo who stood beside the door all frozen and with fear written all over his face.


        "Xiao Jian Min, atleast you could have stayed loyal to me." Mrs. Xiao hissed. Mr. Xiao sighed and walked up to her wife and kept his hands on her shoulder.

        "A-Tong, you yourself said that you will return late from your parents home. Thats why we are here."

        "Not only this Jian Min. What about this brat?" Mrs. Xiao said as she pointed her finger at Yibo.

        "Not now A-Tong. We have others here too." Jian Min calm his wife down and turned towards the Wang couple.

        "Thankyou for the dinner and Merry Christmas. Mr. & Mrs. Wang, I would like to take my leave now. Zhoucheng lets go."

        "And Zhan too. Xiao Zhan, come home." Mrs. Xiao said sternly and refused to move from there looking straight at Zhan.

        "Mom, tomorrow I shall come home. For today, you all should go and rest."

        "Zhan is right. He will visit us tomorrow. Come A-Tong, lets leave." Mr. Xiao held Mrs. Xiao and literally dragged her out with him who was busy glaring at Yibo.

        "Sorry for mom's behaviour Mr. & Mrs. Wang. She didn't know that ge is living with Yibo. Now I will take my leave. Ge!" Zhoucheng called and gestured him to look after Yibo who seemed to have visibly paled. After bidding farewell he too left.

       "A-Bo, A-Zhan, believe in yourselves. Believe in your love. She is a mother too. She will gradually come in terms with you. Its new to her."

        "Rest assured mom. I will take good care of Yibo. Good night mom. Good night Dad. Good night A-Xing." Zhan walked them to their cars to bid them farewell. When he came inside he saw Yibo sitting on the sofa with face covered with his hands. 


        "I don't want to lose you."

        "Hey Bo-di!" Zhan made his way to his lover who was filled with insecurity.

        "Listen to me Bo-di. Mom said that my mom will come in terms with us. She is just a bit hurt that I did not tell her."

        "You think this is the problem? No Zhan-ge, you are wrong. She was literally throwing daggers at me with her glare. She hates me to her guts. I am afraid. Afraid what will be the outcome tomorrow."

        "Relax Yibo. Breathe my heart. I am here. Nothing will go wrong. I will try to handle everything." Zhan hugged Yibo tightly. To say the truth he was scared too but he cannot be weak right now. He has to deal with his mother and lover. He cannot be scared.

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