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        "This is not good."

        "I didn't ask you."

        "Listen to me Xiao ge. If Yibo gets to know this he-"

        "And who will tell him. You cannot betray me. Can you? I got the strength of doing it because you encouraged me."

        "But Xiao ge, I just said. I never knew you would such things seriously. I am worried."

        "Don't worry. I have got your back Pei-Pei." Both Zhan and Yu Pei whispered and Yu Pei clearly wished that she was not acquaitance with Xiao Zhan at this moment.

                    Its been two years since Zhan's relationship relevation to Mrs. Xiao. Things weren't easy for them. Mrs. Xiao was adamant as to not accept Yibo. She knew Yibo was a very nice boy and if she would have a daughter she would happily give in to the relationship but not with Xiao Zhan. That was not just right. However hard she might try to seperate them by sometimes arranging blind dates for Xiao Zhan, trying to create misunderstanding between them but nothing worked. Yibo and Zhan avoided every situation together and they even succeeded.

Zhoucheng and his girlfriend Yu Pei played a major role in their lives. They always supported Zhan and Yibo against their mother till Mrs. Xiao finally gave up to her persistance of seperating both of them. At last, their love won. She accepted Yibo. Not whole-heartedly but still there was an acceptance. It was when Zhan proposed Yibo to marry him after all this while but Yibo was hesitant as Mrs. Xiao wasn't happy at all. Zhan understood the latter's dilemma. Afterall which kid would like to have his mother not accepting their spouse. The event turned out a bit sad yet both the boys continued. Yibo and Zhan have already vowed to be with each other, marrying was just a legal procedure still it had its own essence. They were a bit sad but yet nothing could be done.

It was finally then that Mrs. Wang, Mr. Wang along with Mr. Xiao took it on themselves to make Mrs. Xiao understand. They made her realise that Zhan's happiness was actually in Yibo and it would be better for everyone that they allow the children to have their piece of happiness in their lives. It was their lives afterall and they had every right to live according to their preferences. Finally she understood. It would be the most memorable day for Yibo and Zhan when Mrs. Xiao visited them and gave them her acceptance.

        "Wang Yibo, you are a good guy. I know. What I don't like is you being this way. It is something not natural and very hard to  accept. Inspite of all this I have seen you being persistant about your relation with A-Zhan. If this brings happiness to him then I am ready to bless you both for your union. Its your life afterall. This doesn't mean that I am happy though. What matters to me is Zhan's happiness. Lets formalise it. I can accept you in this family."

Yibo was so estatic that day that he cried alot thanking Mrs. Xiao again and again innumerable times for her acceptance. They did not talk whenever they would meet up but still Yibo was included in every family decision. It was later that Yibo proposed to Zhan and this time everything went pretty well. For the wedding purposes, it was Mrs. Xiao who came forward to organise everything by her own and Yibo and Zhan happily gave in.

                    Here at the present, it has been a month that Zhan haven't met Yibo as his mother has said as per the traditions, the partners cannot live together till the wedding date. Not wanting to offend Mrs. Xiao, Yibo immediately gave in to that but not Xiao Zhan. He whined alot wanting to make Yibo and his mom understand but to no avail. Eventually Yibo moved back to his house and Zhan to his. Its been one month that they have spent some private times and Zhan is totally frustrated. It was his bachelorette night when Yu Pei suggested him to break into Yibo's hotel room as they are in Taiwan to get their marriage registered. For traditions purpose, two different hotels were booked for each groom and their relatives to stay and here are Yu Pei and Zhan trying to find Yibo's room to surprise him.

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