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Two weeks has passed has many things have changed. Now Xuanyi has got the official right to hang out with Zhan much to everyone's displeasure. No one likes her but everyone tolerates her. Not because of Zhan but because of the person who is opening to them. For Yibo. How much it may hurt him but he won't let his gege disappointed. His heart may rip apart seeing them so lovey-dovey with each other but only if he is to suffer so that others can enjoy then he is always ready.

But certain things have made him feel disheartening. He has only heard but now he is seeing this practically. Often people says that when people date demanding girls they tend to lose their friends. That was what happening now. Zhan was so occupied with Xuanyi that he would not get time for Yibo. Yibo really does mind it either. It was afterall best for his heart. Now Yubin and Ziyi were his constant companions and sometimes Zhoucheng would also hang out with them.

The night when Yibo stayed at Zhan's house, Zhoucheng told him the reason of displeasure for Yibo by his mother. He told that she has somewhat guessed his feeling for Zhan and thats why she has lots of problem with him. She does not want his perfect child and the future heir of the prestigious institution to be termed as a 'GAY'. That was the day when Yibo finally decided to let go of his love. But is it really possible for someone who has feelings this deep.

Things were not as easy as it seems. Whenever Zhan would fimd some spare time he would ask Yibo to join him. Also sometimes he would make a ruckus that his friends are more of Yibo now and he feels neglected. Therefore whenever he would get time he would drag Yibo with him even if he is stuck with some work. Sometimes Ziyi would scold Zhan for his inappropriate behaviour but like a adamant child Zhan as always seek for Yibo's help and Yibo being a fool in love would give in to him.

        The six of them were having their lunch in cafetaria. Yubin, Ziyi, Zhoucheng and Yibo were involved in a conversation. The university had organised a program where people from all field in the university, be it marketing, management, fashion-designing or anyother they would have a competion. Competition was about designing a product by designing department, marketing it by marketing department, financing it from financing department and so on. So every department will nominate their best group to represent their department and present it to the university. It would led to a pratical experience for all in the university. Since Yibo would be leaving in another six weeks he decided not to participate in the competition but would very glad help out his friends. So there they was discussing while Xuanyi who was also in their group was busy flirting with Zhan while Zhan was pissed. Past two weeks he has noticed Yibo more with others than he himself. This was frustrating him. Others also would take his side more than him and this also irritated the hell out of him. Today again they were all discussing about the competition in which he was also participating with them but no one was looking for his opinion. This angered him.

        "What the hell?" Zhan said loudly.

        "Xiao ge any problem?" Xuanyi asked but all she saw Zhan glaring at Yibo.

        "Zhan-ge, Tell me what happened?" Yibo asked. He could see other was angry.

        "Huh and why would you care haa Yibo?" And with that being said Zhan said and stood up.

        "Xiao gege whe-"

        "Don't follow me Xuanyi. I don't wish to talk." He said and angrily gaze at Yibo and left.

        "What did you do Yibo?" Xuanyi said rudely while Yibo frowned but did not answer.

        "I would watch out my tone when I am talking to someone. Don't you think Xuanyi?" Ziyi said.

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