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Both the boys laid side by side, holding on to each other tightly as they directly shared the warmth of the other's body as both lie naked after the heavenly night they had. The morning hues that were falling on Zhan's eyes from the slightly ajar curtains woke him up from his deep sleep to the view of his handsome lover who has his face hidden in the former's chest, hugging tightly as their bare legs entangled. A small smile and a blush covered Zhan's face as he remembered the beautiful night. The night was nothing but full of love. Nothing vigorous or wild, just slow and deep, like their love. They did not do for the whole night, only once but they were more than contented as for their first time.

Thinking of all these and how Yibo gave himself submissively to Zhan, filled Zhan's heart with warmth. It elated more in love. For here, they have sealed the vows of eternity. No going back. He affectionately caressed Yibo's hair and slightly moved from their to prepare for the day soundlessly so as to not wake Yibo.

He prepared breakfast, medicines and warm bath after completing his daily morning routine and went to wake Yibo up.

        "Bo-di? Love? Get up sweetheart." He very lovingly and softly said patting the latter's cheek with a soft smile. Yibo squirmed as he woke up to the heavenly smile of his lover looming over his face. His mouth curved up into a soft smile too.

        "Good morning Zhan-ge."

        "Good morning Bo-di." Zhan placed an affectionate kiss on Yibo's lips who immediately responded.

        "I have prepared the bath, breakfast and medicines. Get up love." Yibo affectionately nodded as he snuggled more to Zhan and sighed. A sigh of contentment. A sigh of relief. He felt full of love. Zhan lovinly soothed his lover's back.

        "Are you sore?"

        "Mn. A little bit. But you were very gentle. Thankyou Zhan-ge for preparing everything for the morning."

        "No need. Let me help you to the washroom. Complete your daily routine, have a nice warm shower, then lets have breakfast so I can feed you medicines."

Helping Yibo to the washroom, Zhan continued with settling the cutlery's for breakfast. Yibo came out to see Zhan preparing everything for him. How natural this felt! How he wishes to have this each and every second of his life! He kept the towel he was holding and went to Zhan to back hug him.

        "Lets have breakfast before it turns cold. Hmm?" Zhan said with a smile. They both sat down to have the breakfast, talking to each other and feeding each other. After resting in each other embrace for more two hours, both got ready to leave for their respective works.

                    Days become busy but the love brewed more and more between the boys. They might have their work but they never failed to take their time out for each other. They cherished what they had in between. Meanwhile Yibo also introduced Zhan as his boyfriend and lover to his parents. They were elated would be understatement. The most happy person was Mr. Wang. He was very happy for Yibo. He might have been strict in his upbringring which distanced him from his elder son. He despises that alot but whats done is done. What he can now do is support his child immensely in everyway he could so as to shower his child with love. Yibo knew this and was glad. He respected and loved his father alot whether they talk or not. Mrs. Wang was estatic too. She always knew Yibo's heart and knowing that his son's love was reciprocated, she was very happy.

Zhan's father also accepted Yibo with open arms. Yibo was calm, smart and most importantingly, a very light and warm hearted person, Mr. Xiao had nothing to reject him. Knowing that his son's happiness lies in Yibo, he would do everything and anything to support his child. The only one who not informed about this was Mrs. Xiao. She has already hated Yibo and Zhan was reluctant to disclise his relationship to his mother who would make things unnecessarily difficult for him.

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