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It was again the lunch time while everyone was sitting again. Yibo has started hanging out less with Zhan but today he was there too silently eating his lunch while others were bickering around.

        "Yibo?" Xuanyi called Yibo whispering.


        "Could you please get my proxy marked today?"


        "Pretty please Yibo. I want to go to date with Xiao ge."

         "Its wrong and I won't."

At this Xuanyi got angry and said out aloud. "Why are you always so cold and rude to me Yibo? What have I done?" She said gaining others attention.

        "Whats wrong huhh? Bo?" Yubin asked but Yibo continued staring at Xuanyi narrowing his eyes.

         "If you wish to create a ruckus here Xuanyi. Then let me also tell you loud and clear I won't mark your proxy." He said sternly.

        "What proxy? Xuanyi?" Zhan asked.

        "Xiao ge I very politely asked Yibo to get my proxy marked so I can go out with you but he very rudely rejected me." She said and Zhan laughed.

        "You see Xuanyi. This is how he is. Its not rude. Its being straightforward hmmm." Zhan said but this rose Xuanyi's anger. She has always observed Zhan taking Yibo's side much to her displeasure and now being rejected loud and clear did not help her temper.

        "You Yibo. Why do you always have to make Xiao ge distance me from him? First his friends and now me? Don't you think you should be grateful that we being so rich still entertain a poor brat like you." And that being said Yibo had his all. He banged his fist on the table while other were throwing daggers at Xuanyi but she won't budge. Her ego was now there. After all being a spoilt brat who got everything she wanted how dare Yibo reject her this loud. It humilated her ego.

Yibo was hurt was beyond statement. Never ever someone made him feel so cheap but what hurt her the most his gege standing their but not saying anything. He could not take thos insult so mustering all his courage he finally voiced out "Its my family you are talking about Xuanyi. I don't mind me being poor but I pity you poor minded people. I have enough of your tantrums. I am not a servant that I would do anything you would ask for and let me tell you, whatever you talk you are talking on your parent's power but I am capable enough to stand and face people like you alone now if you will excuse me." Yibo said and got ready to leave.

        "Xuanyi apologize to Yibo at once. He is my friend first then you are my girlfriend and I won't listen to his bullshit." Zhan said angrily. He was very upset with Xuanyi. He followed Yibo with others while Xuanyi followed Zhan.

        "YIBO WAIT!" Zhan said while the latter was going towards the gate. 'Is he olanning to skip rest of the classes where is he going.' Zhan thought while the others ran faster than him.

        "Yibo?" "Bo?". Zhoucheng and Yubin said a bit politer as they reached near him. Yibo stopped and turned around. His eyes was red flaming in anger.

        "Bo-di!" Zhan reached Yibo and panted.

        "Bo-di! Sorry. I scolded Xuanyi and she will apologize. Please Yibo I know you are hurt." Zhan said.

        "No you don't know how much I am hurt Xiao Zhan." At this everyone's eyes widen. Yibo has never treated Zhan this coldly. Zhan himself was shocked but he can understand. His didi was insulted and he just stood their dumbfounded. He was shocked to listen what Xuanyi said but was late to react.

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