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Zhan stood their reeling down the things happened today. How did things took such vicious turns! What went wrong? Yeah, it was Xuanyi who created ruckus but then why did Yibo had to leave and she was still here yet clinging to him with tears in her eyes. What is she trying to achieve? All thoughts were in his mind, his head hung low, eyes lifeless, no spark. His dearest of the dearest person left. Why? Wasn't he the reasin himself? All the voices, all tge blames by Yubin and Ziyi were soundless. He was not in a state to hear anything. Only Zhoucheng stood their silently comtemplating all the ordeals while Xuanyi fought for all the scoldings and preachings by Yubin and Ziyi.

Gerting grip of himself, with a heavy heart, Zhan started to leave the University. A huge ruckus was created already. Boys and girls were gossiping around and he wanted a peace of mind. His legs involuntarily took him to the place where he in past always would have found peace. He took the bus and after getting down on the desired stop, he headed to the place in the park. 'Their' place.

This tree shade has experienced alot of emotions between two particular lads who would come and have a heartful thought

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This tree shade has experienced alot of emotions between two particular lads who would come and have a heartful thought. Zhan came under the shade of the tree. It was freezing but he did not mind. He sat their on the grass coming in terms of his feelings yet he was not able to. He sat there for longs hours, sun was setting, fog was all around but today this tree shade failed to provide him peace. Why is that everything is failing to give him what he wants. After being a little tired, he stood up and glanced at a particular direction. What was he expecting? He turned away and walked back for his house.

                    The other was more miserable. A heartbreak, an insult to him and his family. What could be worse than this? Yet he was happy. Drama was over. He now didn't need to do anything to please a particular someone for the sake of a relationship he held so dear. But what he got in return? He ended up being a choice. An option. The person who he never thought less than him now considered him as an option. Was his friendship that weak that a foreign girl who was for only a month in between them broke them apart. If his love would have suffered he would have understood as it was always one-sided but not his companionship. Zhan befriended him and they have invested alot then why he has to be miserable. Chuckle. Does this not happen when people changes their priorities. Maybe he lacked something. Maybe.

        "A-Bo!" An anxious Mrs. Wang greeted Yibo as he reached home.

        "Mom? You are back early?" Yibo asked.

        "What happened child? This is not the time you should be back. Its evening dear."

        "Evening?" He said and glanced at the clock. Damn. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he did not mind the time.

        "Sorry mom. I walked back home." He said but what he failed was his mother's concerned eyes.

        "Go to your room A-Bo. I will bring your dinner to your room and we both shall have it together. Hmm?"

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