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        "WHAT THE HELL YIBO!" Seungyoun shouted as he entered Yibo's room.

        "What are you shouting at?" Yibo replied.

        "Where the hell am I suppose to sleep? Sorry but I won't scoot over with you in that single bed." Seungyoun said as he as he back away shaking his hands and head simultaneously. Yibo threw his travel bag at Seungyoun who catched it and grinned at him.

        "Where the hell will you SCOOT OVER if not here? And also I said I am sharing my room, I did not mention bed so you will sleep on floor." Seungyoun gaped at him while the other made his way to take out a mattress.

        "How could you treat a partner like this? Tsk tsk racist. Difference between a friend and a lover best friend." Seungyoun said with a teasing smile while Yibo looked at him shocked. He collected the mattress and threw it on Seungyoun while the latter fell down due to his weight.

        "What the hell againnnnn?" Seungyoun whined as he made his way out of the mattress before properly spreading it.
        "Shut up and don't bring that topic again. Tomorrow we have to leave to see the studio to help it setup. I have contacted a interior designing company to get it furnished. I have heard they have  started a startup an year ago. So it would be affordable for us too. We can have a fresh idea." Yibo stated as Seungyoun stared at him in awe.

        "Now what's with this wierd look."As soon as Yibo completed Seungyoun jumped on him hugging him tight.

        "Perks of having such a business minded partner. Ahhh Yibo I just love you." Seungyoun said as Yibo shook his head smiling and struggling out of his embrace.

        "Ge!" Yibo and Seungyoun turned back to see Fanxing standing with gaze downwards and face flushed red.

        "A-Xing, why are you standing there? Come in and why are you so red? Are you having fever?" Yibo said as he approached Fanxing with worried look.

        "N-Nothing ge. I just wanna ask if you can accompany me tonight. Its been long and I have missed you." Yibo smiled and affectionately ruffled Fanxing's hair while latter grinned. The duo Wang turned around to see Seungyoun stuggling wuth the mattress to spread it properly.

        "God is always in favour of you. Huh! Youn." Seungyoun turned and frowned.

        "This damn thing is troubling me and you are mocking at me standing there?" Seungyoun said frustratedly.

        "Sengyoun ge!" Fanxing called and Seungyoun cringed.

        "Hey! Whats with that face huh? Why did you react like that?" Yibo asked offendedly.

        "A korean name and a chinese endearment doesn't sound good at all. Fanxing why don't you just call me hyung. It would sound more better." Seungyoun said as Fanxing nodded.

        "Alright hyung. Gege will accompany me to sleep in my room so you can sleep on the bed. No need of the mattress." Fanxing said as he hung on Yibo's arm while the other looked at him adoringly. Oh his little brother!!

Seungyoun's face instantly lit up and he jumped on the bed not before throwing a pillow at Yibo's face, covered himself with a blanket and was asleep. The Wang duo stayed there looking at the sleeping person. One was clearly irritated while the other was in surprise. 'How could one sleep so fast?' Fanxing thought as Yibo closed the light, tucked him properly and left the room with a confused Fanxing.

        "That quick?" Fanxing mumbled.

        "Yea. He has been tired with all the journey and he is a log sleeper so just ignore him and tell what all transpired in these two years." Yibo asked as they made there way to Fanxing's room.

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