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        "Mom, why do you think its a disease. You love dad. Then it should be disease too."

        "HOW DARE YOU!" Mrs. Xiao growled at this and slapped Zhan. Yibo and everyone else gasped as Zhan chuckled.

        "Jing Tong! What are you trying to achieve?" Mr. Xiao spoke up sternly as Yibo turned Zhan towards himself. Mr. Xiao was not saying anything as he wanted Zhan to stand up for his love and fight it himself but his wife slapping his son is something unbearable to him. Yibo was already in tears and now his love is hurt too. Zhan just smiled and wiped Yibo's tears.

        "Jian Min! Look he is questioning our love."

        "And you can question mine? Why mom? Who gave you the right?"

        "Mine is acceptable."

        "Then why not mine. I love him like you love dad. My feelings are the same. Then why mine is unacceptable?"

        "What about children Zhan? Think rationally. You dated once Ting's daughter. You are just confused."

        "No mom, I am sure and you know that still you are denial. And about the kids, there are various methods. Adoption, surrogacy etc."

        "You can rent a womb but cannot marry a girl. Wow Zhan. It was better if you continued with Ting's daughter." Zhan chuckled.

        "So you are ready to see your son with someone who can have multiple affairs outside but not ready to see me with someone who loves me, trusts me, cares for me genuinely, ready to do anything just to see me happy. Why mom?" Mrs. Xiao felt like she was losing the argument. She did not want to. She wanted to seperate Zhan from Yibo. Their relationship is totally unaaceptable. When she saw she can no more put brains in Zhan, she resorted to Yibo.

        "Yibo, I have heard you are intelligent. You were very good scholar in university too. Cannot you see this is wrong? This is not something biological. We are not meant to be like this."

        "Sorry Mrs. Xiao. I cannot help you as I am helplessly in love with your so son. I hope you could accept me and bless our union."

        "IMPOSSIBLE. I will not do anything like that you dirty piece of-"

        "MOM!" Zhan yelled.

        "Look what have you done. My son is against me today. He has started hiding things from me. He has done nothing wrong in his life except approaching you. Look what have you brought to him. He is shouting on his mom. Would you accept this behaviour towards your mom!"

        "Yibo don't listen to her." Zhoucheng said hurriedly as he already understood what his mother is trying but Mrs. Xiao continued.

        "No you wouldn't. Still you brought this calamity on my family. You distanced my son. Don't you feel guilty? Making Zhan fight me. His mom?"

        "Enough Jing Tong." Mr. Xiao said sternly. Zhan felt Yibo loosening his hold. He turned to see to Yibo who has paled out so much. His mother's trick to make Yibo guilty was very well working. He immediately cupped Yibo's face.

        "Listen to me Yibo. Nothing she said is true. You are no reason for it. Not at all. I love you. I can-"

        "See Yibo. See what have you done. Doesn't your conscience prick you? How could it not? I would have died with this burden."


        "JING TONG!" All the Xiao men shouted at this. Yibo staggered back. He was very successfully trapped in the guilty trap set by Zhan's mother. More tears rushed from his eyes.

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