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After getting ready, Zhan helped Yibo to come downstairs for the late lunch. When they reached, Yibo saw Yubin and Fanxing talking, more like Fanxing blushing and Yubin talking while Ziyi was lost in her mobile phone.

        "Gege!" Fanxing exclaimed gaining all the attention and he rushed towards Yibo to support him from other side.

        "You see I am not handicapped. I can walk. Its just the weakness." Yibo exclaimed as he settled himself on the sofa while greeting the others.

        "I am so sorry Senior Bin, shijie, Zhan-ge and A-Xing. Because of me" Yibo was cut in between when Fanxing came and hugged him tight.

        "Say no more gege. I know what you have to say. You don't have to feel guilty infact it should be me who should feel guilty. It was because of me that you slept here and caught severe cold. Sorry gege." Fanxing whispered in Yibo's ears. His voice sounded heavy and it took no time for Yibo to figure out that his baby brother is blaming himself. He hugged him back and rocked back and fro glancing at others who were looking at the two hugging figure with slight smile of affection.

        "It was not your fault A-Xing. You know that it was my decision to sleep here then why you are at fault? Now lets help mom with the setting up the table. Hmm." Yibo said pulling out from the hug and cupped Fanxing's face and caressed his cheeks.

        "Ummm. You sit. I will help maa." Fanxing said softly when he felt a tug on his sleeves. He saw Yibo getting up when Zhan rushed towards them.

        "Yibo, you heard A-Xing. Wait here I will help mom. You sit and rest. We will call you all." With a slight nod from Yibo he went with A-Xing to help Mrs. Wang.

        "Sorry about today Senior." Yibo started when Ziyi butted in "No. Don't be"

        "Yes Yibo, its not it was not only your fever we came here. Jie jie had same class with you and since you would be not there she accompanied here. Also I also have some alterior motives you see. So you be rest assured." Yubin said to which Ziyi nodded.

After a moment of complete silence Ziyi sighed again spoke up, "I am sorry Yibo." Yibo faced her and frowned. What was his senior apologizing about?

        "About what Shijie? It should be the other way round though." Yibo said when he observed Ziyi hung her head low while Yubin patted her shoulders. This was something new. Ziyi was a truly outspoken women with a dominant character who would always held her head high. What has happened?

        "I knew Xuanyi asked Zhan out for the date." Ziyi said and glanced at Yibo who stiffened at his place, eyes wide. With a sigh she continued, "Not only me, there was A-Yu and Fanxing too. But at that day Zhan was really upset with her because she started badmouthing you and then at university when you told about the circumstances, I thought Zhan might wanted to go out with you but it turned out something else. I am sorry." She said while Yubin glanced back and forth from Ziyi to Yibo.

After coming from the momentary shock a snort left Yibo's lips and he shook his head with a sad smile on his lips.

        "What are you apologizing for Shijie?  I understand it was misunderstanding. No harm done." Yibo said with the same smile.

Yubin and Ziyi just shook their head while a sigh left their lips. They both glanced each other like silently communicating with the other one.

        "Yibo we know you love Zhan." Yubin said and Yibo again froze. How come They knew about his feelings. He has never told anyone about his feelings and he has been careful around too. His heart started pounding in his chest while he hurriedly glanced back to the kitchen or the table to check whether someone heard or not.

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