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        "Gege! What is wrong with you? Why are you not eating? Its not like Yibo brings your tiffin or something like that." Zhoucheng exclaimed irritatedly. Zhan has been spacing out alot today and Yibo absence today is worrying him.

        "It does not concern you so you keep quiet. Why would Yubin gets to know that Yibo will not come today and not me? I need an answee Yubin. When you both get this close?" Zhan said. When Zhan came to university he was waiting for Yibo at the gate but the latter did not turn up. What upset him more that when he shared this to Yubin in their first class of the day he was told thar Yibo won't attend any class today. Why didn't Yibo himself told him about his absence? Yibo would let Zhan know everytime then what abou this time.

        "At first place stop nagging with me. It was A-Xing who let me know not your Yibo. A-Xing himself did not go to school. And at second place I got permission from Yibo to court A-Xing so I might be his future brother-in-law so obviously we will be close." Yubin completed teasingly when he heard his sister mumbling 'Pedo' under her breathe. Yubin narrowed his eyes on Ziyi but she shrugged it continuing with her meal.

        "But he should have atleast called me. Wait I will call him." He excised himself from the rest went to the park of the university.

"Hello Bodi!"

"Zhan gege Fanxing this side. A very good afternoon gege."

"Ah A-Xing, where is Yibo? Why didn't he come today and why are you whispering?"

"Gege, Yibo gege has high fever. He has not woke up yet."

"Why I am being informed about this right now?" Zhan exclaimed. He was angry. "Nevermind I am coming at your place right now."

"Gege please don't come now. Yibo gege will feel guilty that you have to leave your class because of him. Please gege."

"Don't worry A-Xing nothing would happen if noone tells him. I am coming alright. Bye"

"Bye gege. See you then." Fanxing hung up and sighed. His brother has been burning since morning and has not woke up. He has been guilty that he was the reason behind it thats why he stayed back.

Back in the university Zhan rushed back to his friends and started collecting his things in order to leave for Yibo's house.

        "Who died?" Zhoucheng asked and Zhan smacked on his head hard.

        "Shut up Okay! Its Yibo." Zhan said and the rest three widened their eyes.

        "Yibo died?" This time it was Yubin who received three smacks from the rest.

        "Are you sane A-Yu? What are you saying? Anyway Zhan what happened?" Ziyi asked. She was genuinely worried about the latter. Yesterday he had a heartbreak, what could have happened?

        "He has high fever A-Xing said. And also he hasn't woke up yet." Zhan said. He completed his packing and began to leave.

        "Wait. Are you going to his house? What should I say to mom? You know she doesn't like you accompanying Yibo and you stayed back a night before. She will definitely get pissed." Zhoucheng said. Mrs. Xiao never fancied Zhan accompanying Yibo. She believed that one should spend more time with family than friends. Though her children sprbd time with them alot still she didn't like Zhan staying with friends. Especially Yibo.

        "Please A-Cheng I am leaving things to you. Help me. Yibo hasn't texted me full day after class and now this I am hell worried. Please" Zhan requested. Zhoucheng just sighed and nodded. Afterall his brother is asking for help so politely and that too the matter was trivial so he agree to cover for him.

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