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The next morning, both the lads got ready for the university and set out as Zhan bid his farewell to rest of the residents of the Wang family. Zhan along with Yibo and Fanxing set out for their respective educational institution. Dropping Fanxing by the school, they set out for their university. In the car, Zhan has been all quiet which erked Yibo as Zhan and silence do not fit in a line. He realised something was going on his love's mind. He asked "Shoot whatever you have on your mind Zhan-ge. You know you are wierd and being this silent you are wierder so shoot whatever is eating you."

Zhan glanced at Yibo and smiled. Yet again Yibo has figured out that he has something on his sleves. He sighed and continued to drive. Yibo sensed that his gege needs time so he did not push further. When the reached the university's parking, Yibo was ready to set out when Zhan suddenly asked

        "Bo-di do you think I should go for a relationship?"

Yibo stiffened but then gradually calmed down
         "Aiy! Am I not enough?" Yibo replied laughing. His laughter was just a way to subside the nervousness inside him.

        "You know what I mean? Tsk you spoiled the mood. Nevermind lets rush or we both will be late today." Both parted their ways for their classes. Going through the corridors Yibo heard commotions near the staircase and saw a couple making out. He saw the boy and realised that he was sharing one of his class, he cringed internally on the guts they had for making out in the campus and he silently rushed towards his class again pondering about the things Zhan said.

During the recess time when Yibo along with Zhan, Yubin, Ziyi, Zhoucheng were having their food he noticed Zhan being absent-minded but what also make him think were Fanxing's and Yubin's relationship.

        "Senior Bin I would like to have a word with you if you don't mind. If you please come along with me." Yibo exclaimed coldly and emotionlessly looking straight up to Yubin. Yubin laughed awkwardly while gazing at the rest of the occupants of the table to help him but others shrugged when they saw cold and serious demeanor of Wang Yibo. Zhan raised his brows towards Yibo, he has somewhat guessed what matter Yibo has to discuss with Yubin.

Moving to the secluded corners of the corridors Yibo inquired

        "Do you really like A-Xing or he is just a casual flirt to you? I don't want A-Xing to get hurt. You may call me overprotective, rude, arrogant whatever but my A-Xing is more important than me."

Yubin chuckled, he was definitely happy that Yibo confronted him not because Fanxing was a casual person to him but he really likes him and by talking to Yibo he may also get permission to officially court him. He moved forward and hugged Yibo slightly which got Yibo off-guard and laughed slightly saying

         "I really appreciate your concern for your brother Bo. I myself would have behaved to anyone the similar way if my jiejie was on A-Xing's place."

He broke the hug and moved away only to find a stiff Yibo, who was shocked by this hug, and chuckled. He then continued by looking straight at Yibo's eyes

         "Yes, I really like A-Xing and don't worry about the flings I have never felt this way for anyone and I want to treasure this feeling and the person. So Bo I officially seek your permission to court Fanxing and I also want you to know that Fanxing is my first and if everything goes right then probably last too. Whay do you say?"

Yibo was genuinely happy for his brother to have someone like him this much and the sincerity he saw in his senior's eyes was the confirmation to his words. He slightly smiled and said

         "Senior Bin, you don't have to ask me about courting A-Xing. It's his feeling, I just wanted to make sure he does not gets hurt. Now that I have your words I am assured. Lets leave for our classes now as recess is almost over. Goodbye Senior." Yibo completed bowing slightly infront of Yubin and started leaving for his class when paused, turned around and said

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