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Yibo woke up early in the morning but did not dare to get up. Why would he? He laid in the warm embrace of the person he has yearned for so many years. It still seemed so unreal to him yet he could not just shake it off as it was reality and not a dream. He kept on looking at Zhan and contemplating his features for minutes. How angelic and handsome his ge looks! How innocent and soft are his features! Zhan who squirmed, finally woke up only to see the owner of the beautiful eyes that were watching him. He looked back at the other with the samw intention to read the delicate, handsome features of his didi. After a while Zhan smiled.

        "Good morning Bo-di." Zhan whispered near Yibo's ears as he snuggled more to him.

        "Good morning ge."

        "Did you have a nice sleep?" Zhan caressed Yibo's cheeks as he looked directly at Yibo's eyes.

        "Only few people can give me this peaceful sleep. My maa, dad, A-Xing and you." Yibo said making Zhan's smiles wider.

        "Then I wish you get peaceful sleep everyday from now on." Zhan said as Yibo blushed. He quickly averted his eyes.

        "Le-Lets get down. We need to prepare breakfast." Yibo stuttered.

        "Oh yes I forgot." Yibo sat up as Zhan sat up too. Yibo was going to get out of the bed when Zhan held his elbow.

        "Do you need something?" Yibo asked without turning back as he somewhat guessed what was Zhan upto. Zhan pulled Yibo with more force as a result of which Yibo feel back on bed with his shoulders and head on Zhan's lap.

        "Zhan ge." Yibo whispered as he looked at Zhan with wide eyes. Zhan smiled as he caressed Yibo's face. He felt so full. Full of love. How could he neglect such beautiful feelings before? Zhan wanted to smack past himself for making everyone suffer.

        "Yibo? May I?" Zhan whispered huskily. Yibo gulped at the voice and nodded. Zhan lifted Yibo up from his shoulders and make him sit on his lap. He continues tracing Yibo's face with feather touches as which Yibo shivered. Zhan closed the distance between them and again their lips met but this time in more urgency. Zhan wanted to show Yibo how much he needed him. There kiss became more hungry when Yibo hands clutched on Zhan's hair while the other hand pulled him more close.

Zhan left Yibo's lips when he saw Yibo getting out of breathe and moved to his jaw. He traced Yibo's jawline to his ears as he nibbled the earlobe. He went down as he mouthed his protuduing curve on the neck and sucked slightly on it. Yibo moaned softly all the while as new sensations aroused inside him. The department of sensations of which he has been unaware. He squirmed as Zhan once again latched their lips for a kiss, but this time slow. Zhan pulled out to see Yibo panting as he gaped for air. He has turned red as he blushed profoundly and a two hickeys on his neck.

Yibo this time came closer to Zhan looking straight in his eyes as he kissed the latters neck. He sucked in the area where he kissed and bit a little to soothe it afterwards by licking on it. He pulled away to see a hickey adorned his ge's neck and he smiled.

        "What is so funny?"

        "Nothing. Its just that you are mine now."

        "Did you have your doubts?"

        "No but I just marked you. I have no doubts." Saying this Yibo winked at Zhan and got down from the bed and rushed to the washroom to do his daily routine. Zhan who was left stupefied blushed at Yibo's remark and grinned widely. He waited for Yibo who came out after half an hour. Yibo spared Zhan a toothbrush, clothes and undergarments. Keeping the things he was going out when Zhan hepd him from his waist and hugged him. Yibo laughed.

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