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While driving their way back to home Zhoucheng asked "So seeing to the number of people on the back seat I guess you are not coming back home. Where are you planning to go?"

        Zhan nodded while glancing at the occupants of the backseat and replied "To Yibo's place after dropping you and picking up Fanxing. We planned to meet the part near his house. I might also stay the night so just inform Ma for me."

Zhoucheng rolled his eyes mumbling something then gets back to his phone. Whenever Zhan brings car he drops his friends to their houses. Zhan pulls the car over the front gate of his house.

 Zhan pulls the car over the front gate of his house

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(My imagination of Xiao Villa)

Zhoucheng gets off the car slams the door shut and leans over the window of the back seat waving the passengers bidding farewell. Xiao Zhan now drives towards Central Academy of Fine Arts to pick up Fanxing from the school. While driving towards the school Zhan glances uo the rear mirror only to find Xuanyi looking at him with curiousity.

        "Do you wanna bore a whole in my head Xuanyi? Speak up whatever is in the mind otherwise you won't be able to sleep." Ziyi shrugs her shoulder while Yubin just waits for Xuanyi to speak up.

        "Why do you do so much for Yibo? He is so cold. Why would anyone like to do so much for him?" Xuanyi speaks up.

        "Didn't you get notes for him today? Why did you do that if he deserves nothing?" Ziyi replied not liking the way Xuanyi addressing Zhan regarding Yibo.

        "Like I want to. Its just because Xiao ge asked me to do so that's why i did that." Xuanyi replied bitterly.

        "I would really like to thank you for your favour but I would not accept any nonsense about Yibo. He is my best friend and i know him way more years before I got to know you all." Zhan replied softly plastering a fake smile on his face in ordee not to spoil everyones mood. Xuanyi huffs back but remains silent watching the view outside through the window.

                   Reaching the school, Xiao Zhan excuses himself from the three and gets off the car to walk to the bus stand where Fanxing usually waits for the bus to go home. Reaching the stand, he waves his hand in order to get the attention of the younger person. Fanxing smiles cheerfully seeing Zhan waving to him and runs towards him.

        "Gege what are you doing here. Bo ge is also at exam centre. Did you come to meet your father here?"

         Zhan smiles fondly and pats his hair "I came to pick you up so I can drop you home. Come lets go" Zhan smiles at him again gesturing him to follow him. Fanxing clasps his hand excitedly and follows Zhan towards his car.

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