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        "How come so many people are there?"

        "Because this is my hometown and I basically know more people who arr in fashion world!"

        "Sounds right. So shall we start?"

        "After you Mr. Cho." With a smirk Yibo left with Seungyoun trailing behind him.

" With a smirk Yibo left with Seungyoun trailing behind him

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Today was finally the day

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Today was finally the day. The opening of Valdona Leos. Yibo and Seungyoun's dream come true. They had worked hard in London to achieve this milestone and finally its achieved. Yibo had contacted various designers from various big and small firms to attend the opening ceremony too.

        "Gege this seems really good." Fanxing said and Yibo ruffled his hair affectionately.

        "All thanks to Dad who did this all alone while I was away. Thank you Dad."

        "Thankyou Uncle." Both Yibo and Seungyoun bowed infront of Mr. Wang.

        "No need to thank me Yibo. You are my son and I would do anything for you. You seldomly ask for help from me. The help is the least I could do." Mr. Wang said and hugged Yibo and patted Seungyoun's shoulder. After this someone patted Yibo's shoulder. Yibo turned around to see who was it and a slight smile escaped his lips.

        "I thought you won't come." Yibo said as he hugged the latter slightly.

        "You have qualms with my brother and mother not me. Why wouldn't I come!" Zhoucheng said. In past two years Zhoucheng and Yibo became somewhat online buddies talking about various stuffs.

        "What do you think about this?" Yibo asked looking expectantly at Zhoucheng.

        "Quite impressive Yibo. Who would have thought a cold brat like you would pull off such a good party."

        "Its not a party."

        "I can see many familiar faces. You sure its not a party?"

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