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        "Woahhh. This is so good Yibo. It's such an big company."

        "Of course

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        "Of course. Wu fabrics is one of the reowned couture. Lets just get registered." Yibo and Seungyoun waljed up to the receptionist, inquiring about the Runway competition. They were told to meet the President of Wu Fabrics. Being got engaged in some work Seungyoun and Yibo could not go to register the next day they receive the invitation so a week later they came.

        "Meet the President straight way. Woahh." Sengyoun exclaimed in surprise.

        "Well there are limited designers so that may be the case he interviews them! Don't really know." Reaching outside the office at the top most floor they saw the area totally empty.

        "Why this area is so abandoned?" Seungyoun spoke.

        "How may I help you gentlemen?" Seungyoun and Yibo turned to see a lady probably few years older than them, dressed in all formal.

        "We are here to meet Mr. Wu. We got this invitation so we are here to get registered." Yibo said as he presented the invitation.

        "Alright sir, I am Mr. Wu's personal assistant, Chu Ming let me guide you the way." The assistant walked ahead the two boys as they trailed behind her.

        "Miss Chu, Why this area is so empty?" Seungyoun asked as he was too curious to know. Yibo nudged Seungyoun to be quiet but the latter just shrugged.

        "Sir today is the last day of registration, rest of the designers have already registered, only two to three left. This is not Mr. Wu's office area, he works here on his designs so we are here too." Seungyoun and Yibo nodded in return. Reaching a room, the assistant knocked on the door. When she heard the reply she entered and asked them to come to.

        "Mr. Wu they are here to get registered for the show." The assistant announced. Yibo was surprised to see Zhan and Wenhan there too.

        "Good afternoon Mr. Wu, we are from Valdona Leos. I am Wang Yibo and he is my my partner Cho Seungyoun. Its our pleasure to receive guidance under you." Yibo said and both of them bowed. Yibo glanced at Zhan and nodded with slight smile. Yibo presented their portfolio which contained there various designs and Seungyoun explained the implication. While Mr. Wu was going through the designs, Yibo was nervously fidgeting on his place.

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