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        "What the hell Wenhan? Why didn't you call any of your friends or movers?"

        "Come on Zhan you live here. It would be more easy and economical with you." Wenhan said and grinned and Zhan kicked him on his butt as his hands were occupied with the stuffs.

        "Well its good though that I called for a truck otherwise we have to use mine and yours car. Pstt."

        "The hell with you. By the Wenhan, why here? You could have afford a really nice apartment then why this condo."

        "Well I have some reason." Wenhan smiled sheepishly while Zhan just rolled his eyes.

        "I wonder why? The wealthy Wenhan is staying in a cheap condo here. You know you could have bought the apartment too."

        "Why do you stay here then? Aren't you hell rich?"

        "I have my reasons."

        "So do I have."

        "Fine. Just don't disturb me."

        "Why would I? I have someone else to disturb." Wenhan mumbled quietly. Zhan looked at him with a raised brows while Wenhan shrugged. Keeping things in Wenhan's condo Zhan and Wenhan came out to see the door of the apartment opposite to Zhan open.

        "Is it sold already?" Zhan asked.

        "Why would you care?"

        "Uh just li-" Zhan stopped when he heard a familiar giggle. He frowned and looked towards the apartment.

        "Whats wrong?" Wenhan asked.

        "I think- I think I heard Yibo." Zhan said with a frown.

        "Oh then lets check in the apartment." Zhan was going to reject but Wenhan dragged him inside.

        "Anyone here?" Wenhan said only to see Seungyoun head on Yibo's shoulder and hand wrapped around him while Yibo was struggling out of his grip laughing.

        "Bodi?" Zhan mumbled. He felt uneasy looking at Yibo and Seungyoun this way.

        "Look Youn who is here." Yibo said laughing and Seungyoun pushed him and got up with red face.

        "Wenhan, Gege, what are you guys doing here?"

        "Bo-di what are you doing here?" Zhan's voice sounded stern which slightly shocked the three. Yibo smiled awkwardly. What was wrong with his Zhan ge today?

        "Ahh gege we bought this apartment. Its been a month back. We have shifted everything here. I was about to call you to call you all people over here for housewarming party and stay over."

        "Ohh." Yibo frowned at Zhan's lack of interest. He came forward and stood beside Wenhan.

        "Youn why don't you show Wenhan the apartment while I tour gege around." Yibo said with a teasing smiled. Wenhan winked at Yibo and ran towards Seungyoun who bent his head low to for hidding his blush.

        "Aiyaa you look too cute Youn." Yibo said and laughed while Seungyoun low key glared at him. He gestured Wenhan to follow him who gladly went following him. All these while Zhan was confused. His didi refered Seungyoun cute. Were they really in relationship? How come he is not happy for Yibo? Yibo looked at Zhan to see him spacing out.

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