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Next morning Yibo felt a lot more better. Knowing that from today nothing binds his feelings here anymore. It pained him but there was a sense of relief. No humilation. He could continue his life alone without expecting things from others. He has pulled his life as a loner without Zhan and he can continue with it again. It was not like Zhan always accompanied him so it won't be that difficult right. With these thoughts he changed for his university and went down for lunch.


        "A-Xing, you didn't go to school? Good morning Mom Dad." He made his way towards his chair.

        "Today the classes will start late so I will go later." Fanxing replied.

        "Yibo, is everything alright? A-Xing was asked to check up on you." Mr. Wang asked and Yibo glanced at his mother and shook his head.

        "Yes Dad evrything is good. Rest assured." Yibo replied with a slight smile.

        "Gege Bin-ge said-"

        "A-Xing no talking while eating." Tibo said and then everyone sat quietly finishing up their breakfast.

        "Yibo, A-Xing come. I will drop you both today." Mr. Wang said as he took his briefcase and walked out.

        "No need Dad. Today Bin-ge will drop us. He said he will come by and drop me and gege so you can go ahead." Fanxing said while Yibo was tensed. He did not want to discuss regarding yesterday's incident. Mr. Wang left with Mrs. Wang as the two Wang sibling sat down waiting for the Meng twins.

        "Why did you not tell me that Senior Bin is coming to pick us up?"

        "But gege I tried. You said to stop talking so I did not tell you further." This tensed Yibo more. They were meant to be Zhan's friend not his. He needs to make certain things clear.

                    A loud honk of the car brought Yibo out of his thoughts. He took his bag and helped Fanxing with his and moved out not before locking the door behind him. He glanced back to see Ziyi standing there looking at him with a pitiful face. This is what he is running from. Pity. He does not want anyone to pity him but that is obviously inevitable. It is nature of people to pity those who they only know from outside and Yibo knows it very well.


        "Good morning Shijie, good norning senior Bin. Thankyou for dropping me and A-Xing to our respective institutions." Yibo said and slightly bowed. He was back to his cold demeanor. Ziyi and Yubin glanced at each other and frowned. Yibo's relation with then have increases many folds round so why was he so behaving so distant.

        "Lets go." Yubin said and the rest three settled themselves in the car. After dropping Fanxing at his school Yubin pulled the car to their university road. An awkwardness enveloped the atmosphere.


        "Yes Senior Bin?"

        "We know Yibo things have hurt you. We will explain Zhan, you need not to worry." Ziyi said with a sigh.

        "It would be better if you don't explain it to him. He knows my feelings now and I don't wish to be a temporary option in his life. I will leave at the end so no need. Just be with him, support him. He might need someobe to talk. May I ask this much from you?"

        "Ofcourse Yibo. You don't need to request this. We all are friends. Right?" Yubin said as he glanced at the rear mirror.

        "Sorry Bin ge but I don't wish Xuanyi's words to become true. You all are Senior Xiao's friend not mine so lets be acquainted only." Yibo said as he looked out of the window. He knows his words are harsh but he has to do it. The Meng twins did not say anything further. They very well knew the condition of the other person. Yibo refering Zhan as Senior Xiao was very unsettling and it made clear to them that now Yibo donot intend to keep Zhan as his friend anymode. The rest of the journey was quiet and they reached their with heavy silence among them.

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