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         "Bo-di there's a date on Sunday and you have to come with me." Zhan said suddenly and everyone got silent looking at him with bewilderment. Yibo's heart started beating fast. His Zhan-ge was asking him out!! This is what he thought. He glanced and Ziyi and saw her smirking and winking at him when Zhan continued.

        "Xuanyi has asked me out on a date and I have accepted and I want you to accompany me." Zhan completed. Everyone stood their in silence. Zhoucheng, Yubin and Zoey stood there silently watching Yibo's expression.

        "Gege what are you saying? Xuanyi? Really! Have you lost it?" Zhoucheng speaks up after the long silence.

        "Whats wrong in her? I like her. She is beautiful and she also likes me. So I don't see a problem there. And why are you annoyed so much? Its not like I asked you to accompany me." Zhan retorted back. Zhouchend rolled his eyes irritatedly but did not reply.

        "Why did you tell us before? And why would Bo accompany you? Its your date afterall why are you asking him?" Ziyi said. She could not believe what Zhan said. Just an hour ago she was telling Yibo that Zhan might be asking him out but now situation is still the same but instead Zhan wants Yibo to accompany him to Zhan's date. She was worried for Yibo.

        "Ziyi I wanted to tell Yibo first but then I thought I should tell you all together. Its afterall my first date ever so I want Yibo to com.."

         "And you want him to third wheel in your date" Ziyi cut Zhan between his conversation annoyingly. Everyone could see Yibo's affection towards Zhan then how come Zhan was blind towards it.

        "Why are you all like this? Don't you want to congratulate me even. Bo-di why are you standing all silently there." Zhan said. He turned to Yibo only to see in gazing at him but absent mindedly. He snapped his finhers infront of Yibo which brought him back from his thoughts.

Yibo smiled slightly to his gege and said "Congrats ge. That is really nice. I hope your relationship goes a long way." His heart was aching but then who to blame. His gege's happiness was all he concerned of.

        "Aiya thankyou Bo-di you are the only one who understand they all are annoying me only you congratulated me thanks Bo-di. Now say will you accompany me?" Zhan reached Yibo and leaned to him by wraping his arm over his shoulders looking at him in anticipation.

                    Yibo's heart was breaking. Not only his love was going out on a date with someone else  but asking him to accompany him to his date. He was not ready to see this dreading scene but looking at his love looking at him with so much hope and anticipation made him go soft. It was not Zhan's fault that Yibo loves him. He does not even know about it so he should act as a true friend here. He was going to speak up that though it would hurt him alot he was ready to accompany Zhan if that makes him happy.

        "No, he cannot go." Yubin who was silent all along observing the situation speaks up.

        "Why not?" Zhan asked Yubin frowing at Yubin.

        "Because.. Because.. Yes because I am taking Fanxing out on Sunday so I won't be there at home and jiejie wanted his help in the designs of the assignment. You know right they are partners since the beginning so..." Yubin uttered whatever he wanted. He just wanted to save Yibo from the situation.

        "But Yibo said that he is free. Aren't you Yibo?" Zhan asked.

        "Yes he was but I was thinking of  asking him to help me with the assignment. Also A-Yu will not be there so I will have a company. It is about studies afterall so I thought I would ask him afterwards. I didn't think you will also need him. Please Zhan our assignment is more important or you want Yibo to be late for his submission." Ziyi said hoping Zhan would drop the idea. She knew Zhan cared about Yibo alot so she thought assignment would be the best ammunition to save Yibo. She glanced at Yubin and thanked him silently for coming up with a solution.

        "Is that so. Then Bo-di please complete your assignment on time. Okay. Nevermind I will tell you about the details of the date later." Zhan said. He did not want his didi to be late for his assignment.

        "Alright then. See you tomorrow its time for my bus. Bye Zhan ge." Yibo said waving slightly at Zhan and Zhoucheng and nodded to Ziyi and Yubin. They three took the same bus from the bus stop. Ziyi's house was three stops before his. Though they were rich but they did not use car for going to university. Zhan too did not like to use car but since he brought his car today he would drive it to his house. Yubin and Ziyi bid their farewell and trailed behind Yibo.

                  The journey to the bus stop was ten minutes by foot but today their was a deafening silence throughout their walk. Yibo was walking ahead of the twins, shoulders dropped. The twin could understand the dilemma of the younger one. Yibo would always walk confidently with head held high with cold aura but today he was all absent-minded, walking slower than usually, seemed more like dragging himself, with a sorrowful mood head hung low. He was so clouded in his thoughts that he was walking in any direction sometimes bumping others. The twins were glancing each other sadly, neither of them speaking up when finally Yubin decided to speak up.

        "Bo I was thinking if it is not a bother to you may I ask you something?" Yubin asked but Yibo continued walking . He did not hear anything his senior said as there were still many things going on his mind.

        "Yibo!" Ziyi put a hand on his shoulder so as to bring him out of his thoughts. Yibo flinched at the sudden contact but then relaxed seeing his senior.

        "Shijie whats wrong?" Yibo asked in a little low tone.

        "Exactly Yibo. Whats wrong? You know you can always ask me." Ziyi said in a gentle tone.

        "Nothing is wrong Shijie. By the way what was the help you need me drom me? Tell me so that I can prepare things before hand." Yibo said standing beside the post looking at the approaching bus.

        "How about this Bo we come over to your house two days later, on Sunday? In this way we all four will be able to spend time together means me spending time with Fanxing and you can help jiejie." Yubin said cheerfully blushing at the end of his speech. Yibo just nodded in return and got on the bus. All the three reached reached homes with different thoughts hovering their minds.

 All the three reached reached homes with different thoughts hovering their minds

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This is all for the day. See you in the next chapter.

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