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        "Bo-di please talk to me." Zhan said as he stopped Yibo on his way from going away from his class by holding his elbow. It was breaktime and Zhan tried his every effort to talk to Yibo but he did not get a chance. Yibo yanked his hand from Zhan's grip and went away.

        "Xiao ge are you here to pick me up? Aww you need not to, I would have come by myself." Xuanyi said as she saw Zhan reaching for Yibo.

        "Not now Xuanyi. Not now. Please" With that being said Zhan left trailing behind Yibo. Xuanyi's anger was at peak. Why Yibo always gets successful in gaining Zhan' attention. She also thought of sneaking at them and went behind them.

        "Bo-di, why are you being like this? Please talk to me." Zhan said desperately as he called Yibo. Yibo sighed. His gege is stubborn. He needs to clear certain things so that he is not bothered in future.

        "Yes, Senior Xiao." Yibo said indifferently.

        "Look Yibo, I am sorry. Sorry if I had done anything wrong. You know me how I am. I am not able to think properly. So please be considerate." Zhan said as he got hold of Yibo's hand.

         "Since I know you Senior Xiao, I am very well acquainted to your thought process. I will be leaving anyways so there is no point of we being friends again when the seperation is inevitable." He started leaving again when Zhan again held both of his elbows tightly scared that if he lets loose the latter will go away.

        "No Bo-di. Please don't distance yourself. Lets get back to normal. Lets forget what happened yesterday." Zhan said expectantly with a nervous smile while Yibo laughed sadly.

        "It would be very easy for you Mr. Xiao to overlook an insult to my family but its not a trivial matter to me. And even if we forget yesterday I would not accept the fact that you are well aware of my feelings. You being aware of it will only make things awkward and neglecting it would only hurt my feelings. For once let me be selfish. Let me live like I want to."

        "No Yibo you are not understanding." Zhan said as his eyes became teary. Their friendship has ended.

       "I am understanding but this time I want you to also understand. Lets part our ways. Do it for my sanity Senior Xiao." Yibo said as tears rolled down his eyes. Zhan was also a mess crying profoundly. He was not yet ready. He still did not understand what wrong happened. It was always like this but previously he had Yibo who would solve every problem with him but no more. More tears rushed down.

        "I am your Zhan-ge Bo-di." He said as he cried.

        "Fag!" Both Yibo and Zhan froze on their places. They turned around to see Xuanyi standing behind.

        "Xiao-ge lets leave the fag here. He does not deserve to stand among us."

        "Shut up and leave me." Zhan exclaimed in  wet whisper as his tears and Yibo leaving behind stinged him more than the words. Taking the advantage of Zhan's failed expression, XuanYi continued.

        "Come ge." With that she dragged Zhan away but both Zhan's and Yibo's eyes were fixed at each other. Both red eyes. On one's face pain was evident while the other one was smiling sadly. This was it. Yibo turned away as he cannot bear the pain on Zhan's face and continued to his way to canteen.

                    Days passed and both did not talk either. Yibo becams busy with his exchange program while Zhan with his life. He used to hang around with his friends but was not the usual talkative Zhan. He missed his best friend. He still had some people around him but that was not the case with Yibo. He once even visited the Wang household but Mrs. Wang turned him down. She told that she did not blame Zhan but his son was hurt and it tore her heart seeing his son this sad. After a lot of time his son opened up to her and she wanted to protect him. Zhan understood what Mrs. Wang said was right. Afterall he has hurted Yibo.

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