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Passing on the other hot chocolate to Zhan, Yibo sat on the chair opposite to his bed sipping it with a little smile that refused to leave his face. Zhan looked at the him and could not avert his eyes. Those wet locks of hair strands on his forehead, those divine eyes and that ghost little smile. All in all he looked to good to be true. 'Did Yibo get suddenly too handsome?' Little did Zhan know that when you love someone, everything of that person becomes more beautiful.

They both kept on secretly peeping at each other while sipping the hot chocolate and would blush whenever there eyes would get locked and immediately look away. It was like awkwardly silent between the two yet there was a happiness lingering in the moment which acknowledged their presence of love.

        "Ge! Dinner is served!" Zhan and Yibo sat straight as they heard FanXing's faint voice probably from the dining room.

        "L-Lets have dinner." Zhan said awkwardly as he fidgeted with the towel over his head with one hand and the other held the mug. Yibo slightly smiled at his actions and shook his head. Zhan who saw this became embarassed and lowered his head.

        "You don't need to laugh!" Zhan whines and then Yibo finally let out some audible giggles.

        "Why are you so embarassed?" Yibo asked amused.

        "Aren't you too? Why are you avoiding my gazes then?" Zhan looked directly at Yibo who stop laughing and looked away.

        "I-I am not."

        "Really Bo-di?" Zhan smiled mischieviously and got down the bed and Yibo immediately stood up. He fidgeted around when he saw Zhan approaching and started going towards the door when Zhan held his hand and pulled Yibo who got bumped in Zhan's chest.

        "Why are you not looking at me?" Zhan asked but this time it was low. The voice was low yet so alluring that Yibo shivered at those words.


        "Bo-di, look at me." Yibo closed his eyes, took deep breathes and looked at Zhan who held a very delicate yet soft smile. His eyes were so deep yet held so much adoration that Yibo could help but smile back.

        "Bo-di, its new to you. I totally understand. You won't really believe me but its new to me too. These feelings are something very new to me. I never felt like this for anyone. Though you might say I am a bit experienced so allow me to take the lead in our new relationship." Yibo nodded back with a smile which never left his face. Zhan smiled widely and cupped Yibo's face.

        "So Bo-di, will you be my boyfriend? My confidante?" Yibo smiled widely at those words.

        "Yes Zhan-ge. I will be." Zhan smiled and placed a kiss on Yibo's forehead. He caressed Yibo's face with his knuckles and placed a kiss on Yibo's cheek. Yibo smiled shyly as he gripped on Zhan's shirt. He tiptoed a bit a placed a peck on Zhan's nose who in returned nuzzled against his cheek. Yibo cupped Zhan's face and stared at the mole beneath his lower lip.

        "Zhan-ge! May I?" Yibo's voice was barely audible.

        "You may." Zhan whispered and took the initiative to close the distance between their lips when

        "Geee! Are you coming or not?" FanXing's voice jerked them back and both became awkward again. Zhan coughed and clear his throat and glanced at Yibo who has already turned red. He smiled and held Yibo's arm, twirled him around placed a peck on his lips.

"Well lets be satisfied with this, after dinner we might have the dessert." Zhan smiled and winked at Yibo and went out the room. Yibo, who was left behind, flushed darker shade of red and held a wide toothy smile. He cupped his face and felt it hot. He giggled a bit, collected the mugs and went towards the dining room.

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