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Yibo was in his room. The lights dimmed, the auro gloomy. What was more gloomier was he himself. He was a mess. But who could he blame it to? It was his heart that fell in love with someone who was his closest friend. Everyone thought Zhan and Yibo got to know each other in the assembly in their highschool which was not true.

Yibo had known Zhan way before and has loved him, looked up to him way before than they became friends.

6 years ago, "You know, you are new here and no one knows you. What will you possibly do? Complain to Principal? Huh. What would you show as a proof?" A group of boys of same class as Yibo bullied a younger boy.

"Senior brother I am talking to you respectfully so you don't need to talk to me rudely. And also bullying is bad. Don't you know that." The younger one exclaimed fearlessly. These all things was noticed by Yibo.

"You got tongue and guts how about I teach you how to talk to seniors?" They were taking steps towards him when Yibo thought of helping the boy when from nowhere a young figure came and stood behind the bullied guy smiling menancingly towards the boys group.

"Zh-Zhan senior, What-What are you doing here?" The leader of the group stuttered on seeing his senior.

"I saw you guys talking to him so I thought I should also introduce myself since I am a member of student council." Zhan senior said while the others were fidgeting around.

"Junior if you need any help or come across any bully, report it to me. I will make sure those get punished and you don't get involved alright." Zhan said to the young boy.

Yibo was impressed to see that Zhan stood against those boys not only this time but a lot of times always smiling, cheering people, helping people and he didn't know when he fell in love with him. It has been that long. Yibo sighs where is his one sided love taking him? What has he expected for the day one of their friendship? Nothing! Still it is hurting him really badly.

'What have I been thinking? Its all on me. I love him. He isn't to be blamed and I have to make sure he gets his happiness. Afterall I am his best friend I should thrive to make him happy and be satisfied with this much.' Yibo thoughts were flowing like a river. He was standing near his window looking at the sky. The fog was enveloping the surroundings making it unbearable for a person to withstand his sight and cold. One could say the weather could resemble the gloominess of Yibo.

"Gege" Fanxing called. "Yes, A-Xing its bedtime. What are doing here? Do you want to talk about something" Yibo replied.

"Gege its past midnight. What were you thinking of that you didn't realise the time. Its freezing in your room. Why have you opened the windows?" A-Xing said. He was worried about his brother. He has observed the change in his brother's mood and now Yibo standing near the window looking up the sky with sad and lost features made him worry.

 He has observed the change in his brother's mood and now Yibo standing near the window looking up the sky with sad and lost features made him worry

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"Its okay A-Xing. I was not sleepy so I just stood here. I was thinking about an assignment. Well A-Xing since you are up come here I want to talk about something to you." Yibo replied slightly smiling. He did not want to bother his little brother.

Fanxing closed the door came to Yibo held his shoulders and made him sit on the bed. After that he covered Yibo with the blanket then closed the window. He then switch on the room heater and sat beside his brother sharing the blanket and leaning over his brother. This gesture made Yibo feel very warm. He was delighted to see how his brother cares for him. Being the elder one he should be taking care of his younger brother but the scene here is vice versa.
He was happy to have his brother by his side whom he cherishes alot.

"Say gege what do you want to say?" Fanxing whispered. He did not want to ruin the serenity of the atmosphere. He and his gege wrapped in a blanket enjoying each others warmth is something he always look forward to as they barely get duch chances. He knows his brother has distanced himself in order to fulfill his duties as an elder son of the family. He has never asked for help. Not for anything. Be it studies or work he has been happy with what he had. Had always lent his ears to whatever he or others wants to say but never showed his problems. He is grateful to the heavens above for just brother.

"A-Xing do you have feeling for Senior Bin?" Yibo asked. He was never the one to beat around the bush.

"Seems like Zhan-ge told you. Yes gege I like him. Will you be disgusted by my feelings for a guy?" Fanxing replied.

"Do you remember A-Xing when you were two years back you were unwell and you puked on me. This question would be apt for that time not for this time when your feelings are involved. Neither that day or past nor today and never in the future, this brother of yours will never be disgusted by you. Your happiness is all that matters. Go for it A-Xing. Not everyone have the chance to be with their beloved partners." Yibo said.

"Zhan-ge told me that I have the best brother. I love you gege. On Sunday you will have your results. I know anyways you will pass. Will Zhan-ge come?"

"No A-Xing he won't. He has some other important matters to attend. He might call but not come. Now sleep A-Xing." Yibo patted his brother to sleep.

"Gege have you loved someone?" That was the last thing said in that room. When Fanxing fell asleep Yibo properly tucked him on the bed. He stood their gazing at his brother and pondering about his question. A sad smile adorned his face. Love huhh. He chuckled. He left the room, took blanket and a pillow from Fanxing's room and retired to sofa in the drawing room.

In the morning Mrs. Wang woke up first. When she came across the drawing room to clean she saw Yibo sleeping on the sofa. He was wrapped like a roll in the thick blanket, legs croached up to his chest probably because of the cold weather. She figured out that A-Xing must have slept in his room. She sighed and went to Yibo's room. She saw Fanxing sleeping on the bed. She knows her son. Not wanting to violate Fanxing's privacy he might have slept in the drawing. She sighed ever since she suffered from the attack his son has stopped sharing his concern from her.

"A-Xing wake up and go wake your brother up he is sleeping on the sofa. Go." She woke Fanxing up and shooed him out of the room.

Fanxing went out in the drawing room. He somewhat felt guilty that his brother is sleeping out there but he knows if his gege gets to know that he is feeling this way he would definitely get a scolding so he shrugged this thought and went ahead to wake his brother up. When he came near Yibo he saw his cheeks flushed red probably due to this weather but when he put his hand on his head his eyes widened in suprise.

"Mom! Gege is burning. He has a fever." He exclaimed loudly.

This is all for today

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This is all for today. See you in the next chapter.

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