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"Is this Sasuke?" I asked Itachi as I stared at the small baby in his arms

"Yeah" He replied with a small smile

"Cute" I said caressing his small cheeks, he slightly giggled to which made my lips twitch

"Looks like he likes you, I think you're the first person he liked other than me and my family" Itachi said

"Was there someone else who tried to approach him?" I asked

"Yeah... But Sasuke cried that was during the renovation of the Uchiha compound"

"Hm, Babies look so peaceful when they sleep such precious lives with nothing to worry about" I whispered with a small smile as baby Sasuke grabbed my pinkie at started biting on it

'he's a one year old baby, he has teeth... I think my finger is going to bleed' 

"Anyways what are you doing here Kasumi?" Itachi asked

"hm? I just wanted to visit" I replied

"Worried?" He said with small smirk

"Nice try, But no I was more worried about little Sasuke here" I replied

"Ouch." He fake pouted

"Now, now... I came here to deliver some dangos since I know you love them too, besides Im gonna be offering Mikoto-san some help" I said

"That's new..." He said raising a brow

"My brother told me to do so.. He wanted me to socialize and do something productive"

"You? socialize? pfft." He said mocking me

"Be surprised I did socialize myself" I said flicking my hair

"And with who?" He asked

"Maki-san and samiki-san" I said

"who's that?" he asked

"An old lady and her dog" I replied

He started chuckling to which I glared at and started walking away

"Stupid weasel" I muttered before going inside the uchiha compound and insisting to help mikoto-san with her motherly duties like cleaning and cooking etc.

Some may wonder how am I able to freely come and go in the uchiha compound? that is because me and Itachi had been friends ever since we were five therefore his family already know of me so I always come just to help mikoto-san

"You were a great help Kasumi, That's enough for today... go on, Itachi is waiting for you" Mikoto smiled, I've always seen her as a mother figure ever since we were children so it's no wonder that I can be close with her but... Fugaku-san can be quite scary the only times we've talked when he asked me about my achievements...

"Itachi" I called out to him, he was putting baby sasuke to sleep

"Give me a second" Itachi said in a quiet tone before walking to me 

We walked outside the Uchiha compound, We ate our dangos in comfortable silence until he broke it

"It's saturday, what are your plans?" Itachi asked

"I don't have any plans, to be honest..." I said before sighing

"Wanna train?" He asked

"sure" We headed towards the training grounds and sparred against each other for a few hours until we became tired

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