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Danzo stared at the woman in an ANBU mask in front of him waiting for answers

"Time is running, As long as that woman is here she will become a burden in the future not to mention she is a genius, Who knows what she is capable of...?" Danzo grumbled

"That's why I have chosen you for this mission, I am sure... you can accomplish this, right?" Danzo said 

"Yes grandfather..."



Another normal morning-- actually, no... It won't be normal not as long as sasuke and kakashi is still in a coma

I stayed up too late last night and checking the time it's already noon, As I walked through the village's streets I could see the stares the other villager's were giving me... they were filled with... Why do they look so scared?

"Kasumi Hatake" A jonin suddenly appeared in front of me

"Hm? what is it?" I asked but the next thing I knew my body felt limp and everything turned black

As soon as I woke up, The next thing I knew was in a room... A dark room, It took me quite a few seconds before I could assess what was happening, There in the middle I saw a little girl crying on a dead man's chest

"Oh my gosh please let me--"

"STAY AWAY!!" The girl screamed


"Stay away from my dad! You murderer!!" The girl screamed holding a kunai even though I doubt that she could use it I was still confused what does she mean?

And that was when I heard footsteps... Heavy footsteps  and there at the door I saw tsunade and a few other ANBU's behind her

"Oh you're--"

"Help me please!!" The girl yelled I could see how scared she was but I didn't understand why...

"Hatake Kasumi! Surrender yourself!" I heard tsunade yell but I was still too confused to understand why

"Drop the kunai kasumi" One of the jonins said and to my horror my clothes were soaked in blood and I was holding not one but 2 kunai's almost immediately I dropped the kunai's at hand and became a trembling mess

"Surrender yourself and face the consequences of your crimes!"

"Crimes...?" I looked at them all of them held a serious expression, Some of them held hatred but tsunade, She could only frown.... She believes me right? She was my bestfriend's sensei... She had to believe me...

"Kasumi Hatake, How could you!?" I heard another woman yell by the looks of it this man on the floor was her husband but why... why are they accusing me of this? Why am I soaked in blood? Why was I holding a kunai? A lot of questions started spiraling in my head before I realized what situation I was in...

"I didn't do It..." I muttered


"I said I DIDN'T DO THIS!" I screamed before I threw a smoke screen and ran away with tears in my eyes hoping that all of this was just a dream... But everything feels so real...

I ran through the dark streets of the village... It was evening everyone must be asleep, But what am I doing out there? I need nii-san. NOW

As if on cue I saw him with asuma, gai, and kurenai with kunai's at hand I wanted to go and yell 'Nii-san you're awake I'm glad' But seeing how they were in such a defensive stance I couldn't...


"You also believe them don't you?..." I asked with tears in my eyes

"Kasumi... we can figure this out just..."

"NO KAKASHI! I will not comply with all of this bullshit!" I yelled as I let my shaky hands reach for my kunai pouch, and with that they also got ready on their stance

"Sumi-chan..." I could hear the sympathy in kurenai's voice, But she's a kunoichi of the leaf a loyal one... I don't think she would be siding with me in this situation...

And with that I felt rage, Why wouldn't they believe me? 

"Leave this to me" I heard kakashi say to which the others only nodded

I was about to get ready too when I felt someone gripping my neck

Crap! I was too focused with them I haven't noticed the people from behind me...

It was hard to let go from their grip I was choking, But mostly from my sadness... And that was when I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek... I just got punched...

"KASUMI HATAKE, you are hereby no longer a ninja of the leaf" I heard them say before they marked my hitai-ate, The situation was getting worse... People were waking up, They were watching me... And there was no way I would let myself fall so low...

Right now there was no way to convince them, Right now they see a enemy if that's the case... Then I'll make sure I'd be a hella good one!!

I started doing basic handsigns, Instantly kakashi's eyes widened I knew he would recognize this technique, I only used this technique in the most dangerous situations...

"Electrocution sphere: 500 Volts!" My hands started producing a ball of electricity and all it need was 2 seconds until it grew really large and started to trap us inside before I clapped my hands

"Clear." I muttered before all those ninja's around me who once had a serious expression now, They all fell to the ground writhing in agony as they got electrocuted and that included kakashi who looked at me, I didn't know what type of expression he held because I refused to look at him and to these other civilians... they were all gone scared of what I might do to them

Once everyone was burned out some of them were still writhing in pain, some of them suffered from a lot of injuries such as deep burns I only hoped I didn't kill them... 

"I'm sorry... brother" Was all I could whisper before I let myself fall on my knees and publicly display my meltdown although I doubt someone would actually be able to see me like this...

"Over there!" I heard a yell and that's when I saw more ninja's coming in my direction

They sent back-up...

 I forced myself to get up despite the pain in my cheek and my body due to the over usage of my chakra but those ninja's, I may be stronger than them but I wouldn't be able to hold them off... I need help...

But that's when I looked up to see a pair of sharingan eyes looking at me

"W-what... are you..." I stammered

"Shh... You're gonna be alright let me handle things from here..." He said in a calm manner before wrapping one arm around me and facing the konoha nins with his sharingan activated

"Thank you... Itachi..."


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