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Years had passed and I had noticed many changes one of them being was that the uchiha compound's atmosphere is quite tense these days... But that doesn't stop me from going there, Me and my team mates are now on good terms except between hideki and ruki, they're still rivals

Currently, I am inside a barbecue shop hiding for more than an hour I don't know if my brother is really just so absorbed in his book or what...

"Kasumi... I know you're there, come out" Kakashi said noticing my presence

"hm, Was it on purpose?" I asked walking towards his table 

"what was on purpose?" He asked

"I've been hiding for more than an hour, yet this is the only time you notice me? I think you're out of practice kakashi" I said squinting my eyes, suddenly I heard a couple of laughters from his table

"And who might this little lady be, kakashi?" A woman asked, she had black hair and red eyes, I would've mistaken her for an uchiha only that is... I knew what a sharingan looked like and her pupils were just naturally red

"Please introduce yourself sumi" Kakashi said emphasizing the nickname, I glared at him

"My name is kasumi Hatake, and please just call me kasumi unlike brother here who comes up with a hundred nicknames a day" I said glaring at my brother

"so you guys are like brother-sister?" The woman asked to which I nod

"Never knew you had a sister kakashi" the male said that was sitting beside kurenai said

"Then the battle is on! I'll come up with two hundred nicknames for you youthful child" A guy in green jumpsuit said pointing a finger at me

"Did he not hear what I just said?" I murmured to which made kakashi to squint his eyes at the guy

"don't worry those two always had a rivalry" The woman with red eyes said

"You had a rival?" I asked raising a brow, the guy in green jumpsuit slumped over

"Yosh! I shall introduce myself to our youthful sumi-chan here!" He said

"That's worser than my nickname actually..." I said 

"My name is might guy"


"call me asuma" the all introduced

"well nice to meet all of you, I don't intend to stay that much longer, I still have to meet up with my sensei later... here's some scrolls the hokage wanted me to give you" I said throwing it all on 'kashi who sweat dropped at the amount

"If you don't mind me asking who is your sensei?" Kurenai asked

"danki Somagi" I answered

"oh? Our little kiki is actually a sensei now? HAHAHA" Guy laughed

"kiki?" I repeated in a questioning tone, That's quite a weird name for someone like him

"Can you show us where he is?" Asuma asked with a small grin

"Sure?" I answered them before I started walking away with them following behind me except for 'kashi who had an arm around my shoulder as if he was trying to protect me from something, He may act like all calm in the exterior but I know when he is being protective I squinted my eyes before looking at all directions but came to a stop when I heard that familiar girl voice

"Oi! How dare you!" Said ruki as he launched towards our direction only for 'kashi to swiftly stop her and pinching her cheeks, irritation shown on his face

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