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Time indeed flies fast, For all they knew 3, months came by really fast... And Kasumi's screams could be heard, Ruki was nervously waiting outside the room, While Kasumi was trying to push out what felt like a huge watermelon out of her

Hoshi had his help, An unknown female was helping him while the other male was right by Kasumi's side enduring what her husband was supposed to suffer from

'Oh poor soul... He's supposed to be a doctor, not a hand gripper...' The female doctor sweatdropped but still continued to do her job

A few hours later, Baby cries were heard, and sighs of relief were heard from the doctors in the room but the unknown male doctor mostly because of his hand

"It's a boy"

The crying baby was finally in his mother's arms, Such soft features made Kasumi smiled softly...

"Any name for the baby?" Hoshi asked while the female doctor helped the male doctor fix his broken hand

"I... I haven't really even discussed this with Itachi... we were both too focused on how to raise him I-"

"Breathe, It's okay... Nobody is going to get mad, It's just a name" Hoshi gave her an assuring smile


"Sukichi, huh"

"mixed from the names of both his parents and godparent... Sukichi Uchiha"

"Good name..." Hoshi smiled as he listened to the sigh of the male doctor behind him whose hand was wrapped in a bandage

Kasumi could only sigh in relief, Baby delivery was a success everything was well and now all that's left is to rest...


"Jiraiya is awake"


"You heard-" Hoshi didn't waste a single second before he came running to where his dad's room was, And the moment he went in he was greeted with a smiling Jiraiya who gestured for him to come closer

Hoshi's eyes watered as he engulfed Jiraiya in a hug, Jiraiya hugged back rubbing his son's back for comfort

'well Kasumi, You just gave birth to a blessing... Not to you, but to everyone' Hoshi thought

After breaking the hug, Hoshi sniffled earning a silent chuckle from Jiraiya who grinned and ruffled his hair

"I bet you want to say something... I knew your throat wasn't going to be instantly healed but I can get you a paper" Hoshi said before he grabbed a notebook and a pen from a table and handed it to his father

'Where are we?' Jiraiya asked through writing

"In Kasumi's shop" Hoshi answered, Jiraiya's expression was shocked but he didn't question it

'How long have I been out?' 

"More than 5 months" Hoshi answered

'Where's mom?'

"Well... Mom doesn't really know-" Hoshi was cut off when Jiraiya smacked hoshi with the book

"Ow! Ok, Ok! I'm sorry! It was my fault! I am an ungrateful son taking advantage of my mother's kindness making her worried every damn single time, I know I promised not to do it again and to put it in your word 'It's not manly!' But I promise you... I have been doing something productive besides, It was better this way... This way no one would be coming for your life knowing that you were alive..." Hoshi looked down sadly but Jiraiya only ruffled his hair and gave him a small smile

'Well looks like I'll have to accompany you to face the consequences of this later' Jiraiya wrote looking at the note, Hoshi couldn't help but smile wider

"You know this is the second blessing today," Hoshi said making Jiraiya raise a brow

"Kasumi just gave birth to a healthy boy" Hoshi's smile didn't waver, All was comfortably silent until hoshi got hit again

"Ow! What now!?" Jiraiya made annoying hand gestures pointing at hoshi like he was scolding him 

"It's not my child! Jeez dad" Hoshi huffed making Jiraiya sigh in relief mostly because they were going to suffer more damages from Tsunade if she found out that she was going to be a grandmother without notice

"But seriously, I can only imagine mom's face when we come back, With you being alive... As long as everything is well everything else shouldn't matter even mom's punches... We're a family after all" Hoshi smiled

'He may be a troublemaker, But he deeply cares about his family' Jiraiya smiled at the thought

Suddenly all silence was broken when a knock interrupts them, It was a female doctor...

"We're going home doc. Me and the other one" She said

"Sure... Thank you for your assistance today" Hoshi said with a bow to which the female returned with a small bow and left

"And before you ask, Just wanted to inform you... An ally of ours once got in trouble with Konoha nins we had to shut our location and keep it hidden with a high-level genjutsu, And in case someone were to go past that we have Kasumi's lighting barrier, So no... I don't know what's happening on the outside I hardly left for the past few months... we only have kichi to rely on when it comes to spying on the outside" Hoshi informed

"Don't worry dad... In a couple of months I bet you'll have your voice back" Hoshi said making Jiraiya nod with a small smile 


"they attacked konoha" the 'female' doctor informed his companion

"Do they know?" His companion asked

"Hoshi should, But knowing him he wouldn't tell Kasumi, I mean she was pregnant, and knowing kanashi-- or should I say Kasumi, she would probably go check on Konoha even in her state, hmp... She treasures her brother after all" The 'female' doctor said

"You're jealous..." His companion sweatdropped

"Shut up" 

"Heh, Looks like this 'body' is pretty good, u--"

"Don't even finish that sentence, fool."


Ruki was looking after baby Sukichi, ever since she laid her eyes on him... Ruki wanted nothing more than to watch him, She was already attached to him, to say the least

While Jiraiya was taking a rest or going through his speech treatment, Hoshi was being hoshi... Being a housewife.

Hoshi hummed to himself as he washed the dishes with a smile

"Now if I remember correctly you used to hate washing the dishes" A voice surprised hoshi causing him to let out a girlish scream



"Did you just..."


"And that was the same man who handed me to an Uchiha, huh?"

"Well... At least, he did you good, no?" Hoshi said making the red-orangish haired man growl

"Where's he?" Hoshi asked

"Take a guess."

Kasumi was suddenly awakened when she felt as if someone was watching her... The cold breeze entered her room making her cold

'I don't remember opening the window...' Kasumi thought as she felt someone cover her with a blanket

"You're cold," A voice said surprising Kasumi

"Thank y--" Her eyes widened at what she saw in front of her

She was staring directly at none other than a pair of Sharingan eyes...

"I'm back..." He said with soft eyes

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