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After learning about history of danki-sensei's past, I suppose you can say it kind of brought the team together, I would really love to train with them but not today, I got plans with a certain Uchiha today

"I see you're visiting me today?" Shisui winked

"Nope." I downright rejected him even though he didn't really asked me out, but who cares?

"I bet you're here for someone, eh?... who is it? itachi maybe?" Shisui teased and for some odd reason I have the urge to punch him in the face to shut him up instead I just bonked his head

"Ow! what was that for?" He asked

"...believe me... I don't know either" I said, he sweatdropped at my answer

"What's this? A cursed hand just bonking someone for no reason?" He asked

Indeed my whole body might be cursed... I have this bad feeling, although I wouldn't describe it as 'bad' but my heart just keeps pounding like crazy whenever I see itachi or maybe even by just hearing his name... should I get a doctor?

"oh hey guys" I heard itachi's voice and there it is again that same feeling that makes me nervous and the feeling as if my heart is going to jump out of my chest

"Morning Itachi" Shisui greeted

"Good morning" I said

"It's rare to see you here so early in the morning" Itachi commented

"oh come on itachi, Just compliment the woman for visiting" Shisui said with a light shrug and a smirk

"puh-lease, Im not here for either of you... rather I'm here for my precious sasuke" I said as if I have an undying love for him

"You sound like you care for sasuke rather than us" Shisui said faking hurt

"Duh" I remarked

"Okay... ouch" Shisui laughed

"Hey, it's a joke don't take it seriously jeez... besides I would still be visiting here even for whatever might happen, besides if there was anything that could stop me from coming here, what would it be? nothing." I said

"I don't know... you suddenly get a boyfriend? then you suddenly don't have time for us" Shisui said dramatically

"Shisui... If a 'boyfriend' would ever stop me from coming here, I wouldn't be here right now" I laugh

"eh--hey, what's that supposed to mean?" He said squinting his eyes at me

"don't tell me-- oh dear please-"

"it was a joke" I laugh

"oh what a relief... You wouldn't want to destroy someone's heart" Shisui said

"And whose heart would that be? Yours?"

"please don't mind him kasumi" Itachi said with a sigh filling Shisui's mouth with Dangos

"anyways I better go now, or else sasuke might get sad" I said walking towards their house

"oh yeah you wouldn't mind if I feed sasuke chocolates, right?" I asked itachi

"Hn, he doesn't eat chocolate" Itachi said

"well that's about to change" I said

"Doubtful" Shisui laughed with a mouthful of dangos

"okay bet, You will owe me something if I manage to make him love chocolates" I said

"and if you don't?" Itachi raised a brow

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