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It wasn't like any normal mornings in konoha, People were gossiping whispering worse part? It was all about kasumi Hatake

"Kakashi-sensei...!!" 3 students of his came barging into the room

"Oh hey guys, What's up?" Kakashi asked with a close eyed smile

"Is it true?! where is Kasumi nee-chan!?" Sasuke asked feeling the rage within him, In fact the whole team was surprised sure all of them was mad and shocked but this was also the first time they saw sasuke act like this

"Kasumi... She has been exiled" Kakashi muttered

"The rumors? They're not real are they? She would never--"

"Sasuke, Look around you we are in a hospital look at the room on the left you will have your answers" Was all kakashi said before he walked away even he didn't want to accept it, It was all too painful for him to hear... what's worse was that he saw it with his very own eyes, She even did it to him... It wall too painful and he didn't like a single bit of it

While kakashi walked away the three genins took a turn and took a peek at the room where kakashi had pointed at, Some of them were even lucky enough to be able to stand just like kakashi but most of them suffered from deep burn, Injuries and some of them are even in a coma and it was obvious... They were dying to know what happened

"No way..." Naruto muttered as he stared at the amount of injuries each patients had

"So she turned against the leaf...?" Sakura said but it was more like a question

"I don't believe it!"

"Shut up!" 

The two genins yelled shocking sakura, The two had never been so out of their usual characters before

"Sorry sakura-chan... I got... carried away" Naruto apologized

"Hn." was all sasuke said before he walked away ignoring his teammates calls for him

"Is this all okay to you?" Came sasuke's voice

"Oh, sasuke..." Kakashi said

"What exactly happened?" Sasuke asked

"You saw all those patients didn't--"

"I want it coming from your own mouth, What happened?" Sasuke asked activating his sharingan

Kakashi sighed before answering "She murdered a man in the middle of the night, When ANBU's caught her she refused to face her crimes, And she even injured all those people" Kakashi said

"And you believed them?" Sasuke frowned

"I was there" Kakashi said shocking sasuke

"Kasumi nee-chan would never--"

"She used electrocution sphere" Kakashi cut him off

"She abandoned that technique years ago because it was too dangerous and too much for her body to take...!! You can't just convince me about this nonsense!!" Sasuke yelled

"I was there sasuke, I saw it" Kakashi reasoned

"exactly! and yet you chose to do nothing and you actually believed that she murdered someone You're supposed to be her brother, You should know her better than anyone!" Sasuke roared

"... I know"

"I can't believe you! She was the only person I had left, You should be ashamed of yourself!" Sasuke yelled before he ran away

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