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No one was ready for what was coming, There were changes made and nobody had guessed that these little changes would bring so much mess...

"The Kage summit was more than a week ago–"


"–And is there any news, other than what the other Kage's have suggested? Those on scout, Any suspicious activities other than Madara is definitely plotting something big?"


Tsunade gained an Irk Mark "I expect you guys to take me seriously here!"

The leaf shinobis in the room sweatdropped How does she expect us to take her seriously when a baby is making fun of her? Most of them thought looking at the unfamilliar baby on Tsunade's lap who was squirming and scratching Tsunade

"Now what is wrong with you? You were fine last night!" Tsunade looked at Sukichi who was tearing up and he definitely wanted something

"Toys?" Tsunade offered a toy which Sukichi slapped away

"Milk?" Sukichi started to cry

"Perhaps he wants the Mommy Milkers" Shizune suggested while Sukichi started to cry loudly

"Everyone, Get ou-"

"I heard crying!" Hoshi barged into the room, A few of them who knew the incident with Hoshi sent glares in his direction but he ignored them

"Get out of here! You're supposed to be-"

"Shiii!" Sukichi cried even louder

"Aww, You poor thing. You definitely didn't enjoy Momma Tsuna's company" Hoshi said taking Sukichi away from her mother

And a few moments later Sukichi was asleep.

"Hoshi, Are you sure you're not the Father?" Tsunade asked which made everyone quirk a brow

"No, Im not. But just make sure to give him his Squid Plushie if he cries, and don't suffocate him by being with you all the time let him play by himself." Hoshi said handing Sukichi back to Tsunade

To say they were surprised, No... They were amused.

"You know I know that. I took care of you when you were a baby too, you know?" Tsunade glared

"Yeah, yeah... Just go have all the fun you want with him while you still can because Im telling you... An angry mother is equal to a destruction." Hoshi sighed with warning


"Here's your meal." Kasumi sighed glaring at the ceiling


As Kagami began chewing on her food, Her lips curved into a smile

She might be Rouge and all, And people most likely expect her to be a cruel person but... She's a softie to the people she loves.

"You've improved your cooking, 'Kashi" Kasumi muttered tasting the overcooked dish

Atleast it's not burnt like back then...

Kasumi hasn't talked to Kakashi ever since Kakashi forced her to admit she was in the akatsuki, but it was as if they had an indirect conversation whenever Kakashi sends her food or whenever Kakashi secretly watches Kasumi in her sleep

Albeit Kasumi caught him quite a few times, She appreciated it. The fact that he hasn't abandoned her.

Her statement only consisted of "I joined the Akatsuki, further details are something I'd rather not tell." She knew she might get the innocent involved if she said more

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