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The chunin exams had arrived and team 7 took part in it, Challenges up ahead, the three of them faced it together although I don't know the exact details of what happened but we had been infiltrated by Orochimaru and his men causing a few buildings to be destroyed, and killing the third hokage in the process

The sad news didn't fail to put a sad face onto everyone's faces, But as the rain stopped and the sun had shown its self, Everyone had went back to their usual activities and the fixed the things that needed to be fixed but around kasumi, It still won't be the same

"-And I'll be joining erro-sennin to travel and find a lady!" Kasumi listened as naruto explained what he was going to do

"Ero-sennin? who the heck is that?" Kasumi asked

"Oh a perverted old man who has been training me-" 

"Oh? Kasumi? My, my... look at you, You've grown!" Jiraiya said walking towards them

"Ero-sennin, You know her?" Naruto asked

"I told you not to call me that in public!" Jiraiya said smacking Naruto

"No, No it's fine... I think it kind of makes sense.. Ero-sennin, hm, I think you deserve the title" Kasumi said glaring at the man and wrapping her arms around Naruto

"Listen Naruto... whatever happens never ever walk ero-sennin's path of perverted-ness" Kasumi said but Naruto couldn't help but shrink due to the dark aura Kasumi was releasing

"e-eh... K-kasumi nee-chan..."

"Do you understand?" Kasumi asked with more coldness in her voice

"Y-yes ma'am!" Naruto said before he ran away with jiraiya

"Now seriously ero-sennin, what the heck was that? She was scary..." Naruto muttered

"Well I guess you could say I'm responsible for that" Jiraiya laughed

"What did you do?" Naruto asked 

"well... I didn't really leave a good impression on her the last time we saw each other" Jiraiya couldn't help but chuckle at the memory

"Her and tsunade had almost murdered me and my ally on the spot" Jiraiya said


"what? don't believe that Kasumi can murder me?" Jiraiya said

"No... What could you have possibly done to anger someone like kasumi nee-chan? wait-- oh..." Naruto said squinting his eyes

"Hey! It's not always like that!" Jiraiya said knowing exactly what he was thinking

"But it is true, isn't it?"



"Oh come on! Let's go over there... see Naruto that's an inn where we can stay--"


"Hey Kasumi and Sasuke" Kakashi said waving at them

"You? being early? Now that's unusual..." Sasuke said

"maa, I'm not always late you know?" Kakashi said with a close eyes smile

"As much as I'd like to side with you brother I'm afraid it's quite true... Now... please kindly put the cursed book down before I burn it myself" Kasumi said with a glare

"Ho? Looks like unlike you the little Hatake hates that book" Asuma chuckled

"Maa, Kasumi that's not really nice now, Is it?" Kakashi said

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