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It's been a month, and another death, Specifically Deidara's death The more that these members of the Akatsuki die the more that I am not able to contain my feelings which makes me question myself Who's next?

I wonder would it be my turn next time? Or perhaps someone important to me? Death is unavoidable but I must be strong... right? I hope no one else dies, My feelings are getting hard to contain these days

Finally 5 months into pregnancy a visible bump on my belly but I can still hide it with the Akatsuki cloak and Itachi hasn't been coming home lately, What's weirder? I see no zetsu staring at me from my ceiling

Where is zetsu?

"Kichi... isn't it weird today?" I asked

"Weird things happen every day" Kichi replied with a huff as he continued to get comfortable on my lap

"Kichi we're literally at the exit of the base and what happened to tightening security?" I frowned

"You're right... I overheard Konan and pein talking about an infiltration" Kichi said

"Now that doesn't happen every day does it?" I smirked

"Oh no... Kasumi, Whatever you're thinking--"

"I wouldn't be known as Kanashi without a reason," I said making kichi grumble in frustration

"Why must my summoner be this stubborn!?" Kichi grumbled

"So...? Are you gonna help me or not?" I asked

"Fine." He said with a huff

"Love you~"

And the next thing we knew we were already outside the base hiding under a dark cloak that hid my features while kichi was blending in the shadows

Did I mention that due to the rain he has an advantage? He has water nature, you may ask how the hell did a lightning princess like me got paired up with a water user like kichi... I don't know either

"Now, Stay quiet Kasumi" Kichi whispered as we went to look at where a huge explosion could be heard, and they're on top, we saw pein no-- 6 pein's and then in the middle was...


I watched with wide eyes as he wrote numbers on the frog's back and soon he started sinking onto the water as pein left, Something needed to be done I needed to save him!

"Hold on Kasumi, I know you want to save him--"

"And I'm going to do it now!" I whispered harshly

"No, you're pregnant," Kichi said

"Stop treating me like I'm the most fragile vase in the world I'm still a kunoichi and there is no way I am letting any of my loved ones die right before my eyes!" I glared

"That's why we are partners remember?" Kichi sighed making me stare at him in confusion Until he jumped in the water careful not to make any noise because zetsu was there, I watched as zetsu finally left and Kichi started to swim back up with Jiraiya's haori in his mouth

"Gob hish heawy" Kichi said as he struggled to speak due to Jiraiya's weight on his mouth

"Let me help," I said as I pulled Jiraiya onto the surface

I checked his pulse, and as much as I regretted it but I really wish I paid attention to Tsunade's lessons back then... The only thing I could do right now was give CPR

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