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CHAPTER 9: Years Later


It took a while to convince madara to let her see itachi, after all he wasn't pleased with her request, Madara had been trying to make her join his side but to no avail kasumi was too smart for that.

Kasumi waited until she heard footsteps in the small cave, And the nex thing she knew they were already staring at each other

"Itachi..." Kasumi whispered with sadness in her eyes

"What are you doing here?" Itachi asked in a stern voice

"I requested to see you" Kasumi answered going back to her usual monotone voice

"Straight from him?" Itachi raised a brow

"from madara? Yes." kasumi answered

"I didn't realize you knew him too" Itachi said

"Itachi... Did they force you?" Kasumi asked getting straight to the point

"Such things should not be of your concerns" Itachi said activating his sharingan and putting kasumi in a genjutsu causing her to fall down and look unconscious

"There we go, phew at least this wasn't like like last time" Kasumi said with a sigh, Both knew that madara was listening to their conversation. Looking to her left kasumi saw itachi with a serious face

"Oh no..."

"Oh yes, What do you think are you doing here?" Itachi glared

"Uh... visit you?" Kasumi answered but it sounded more like a question

"Visit me? I don't think there is such a reckless person as you" Itachi said

"Wow, I expected a thanks for worrying about you or something" Kasumi rolled her eyes

"worried?" Itachi said raising a brow as he watched kasumi walk towards him

"Itachi, how could I not worry?" Kasumi asked in a serious tone 

"I killed the clan, I'm a criminal now I expected you to get angry at me" Itachi said

"If I were to be angry, I would be angry for traumatizing your own brother" Kasumi glared

"How is he?"

"See what I mean? You're worried about him, which answers every single one of my questions... It wasn't your intention to kill your clan, wasn't it?" Kasumi asked but she  only received silence in return

"I could never hate you itachi" Kasumi said

"you're calling me itachi" Itachi said making kasumi glare at him

"And I think I know why" Itachi added

"You say itachi when you are worried or uneasy" Itachi said with a small smile

"I am not looking forward to be your enemy but the next time we meet, I'm pretty sure we will have to fight, A REAL fight" Kasumi said giving itachi a hug

"Look after sasuke" Itachi said giving her a hug

"I will" Kasumi said before itachi released the genjutsu and gave madara a good show


Years had passed and kasumi is now 18, For years kasumi had been looking after sasuke not because of itachi but because she needed to guide him for the right path

"Congratulations sasuke, I knew you could do it!" Kasumi said giving sasuke a hug and a small peck on the cheek

"Disgusting!" Sasuke yelled trying to get away from kasumi but to no avail kasumi did not let go of him

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