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So... Kasumi's husband died, huh?... I felt pity for the girl losing someone she loved, I knew how it felt like...

I felt sad for the lady, I could only comfort her and show how supportive I am, Honestly being that one guy who actually wanted to marry her, I couldn't... she married someone else... Not to mention the way how Hoshi looks at her, That look that shows just how precious she was to him

I couldn't take these away from her...

I walked out of the kitchen carrying a tray with 3 cups

"Hey, guys... Job's done... 5 more minutes and the shop is closing soon, huh?" I said

"Yeah... Anyways what's that?" Hoshi asked gesturing to the cups

"Uh... juice?" I laughed

"Mmm, I don't know... Pregnancy changes my tastebuds..." Kasumi chuckled as she took a sip of her drink, but she only put the juice down

"Yeah, I don't like the juice..." Kasumi said with a light chuckle

"Yep, Pregnant women tend to like the worst combination of foods," Hoshi said with a sigh

"It's called cravings" Kasumi glared

"Anyways, I don't think there ever will be any more customers, You guys can close up now" Kasumi yawned before hoshi helped her stand up, Her baby bump was growing each month...

"Hey, You can go to sleep now Akihiko, I'll handle things from here," Hoshi said

I walked to my room and laid on my soft futon, holding the blankets tight I slid my hands under the pillow and instantly my eyes widened

"You know your juice tasted salty," Hoshi said from my window before he casually went in

"Hey hoshi" I said sitting up

"Hm, Where exactly did you get medical knowledge? not to be mean in fact I'm grateful for the help in fact my dad wouldn't be alive in the other room if it weren't for you," Hoshi said

"Oh just from someone" I said with a smile

"So does this someone teach you a lot of things?" He asked

"Yep" I nodded my head

"Including poisons?" He asked


"Even abortion powdered juice?"

"Ye--" I looked at him with a straight face, He was glaring at me...

I smirked at this...

I've been found out...

"From Kasumi's story she said you were a yandere who wanted to marry her... yandere indeed," He said with a smirk as he licked his lips which made sent shivers down my spine

"ah sorry, Old habits my other sensei... did that a lot," Hoshi said

"Snake," I muttered before I punched him in the face

"Snake," I muttered before I punched him in the face

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