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CHAPTER 30: Locked up


That feeling when you want to be there for someone yet you receive orders with no room for negotiation is just bad... for Itachi Uchiha.

He had it once, and now he received it again but this time... with confidence, He trusted his wife who was rescuing their little Uchiha.

While him on the other hand...


"Even you?!"


"You little- Let me at you! Un!"

"Deidara, Stop."

"What brings you here, Itachi?"

"Kasumi told me to check this place, The senju wasn't lying."

"...That's more than a lot that you usually speak, Itachi." A certain blueberry fish smirked


"Where's the Senju?" Sasori asked

"Back in Konoha." Itachi answers

"And Kasumi?" Sasori added

"Hn, She's-"

"Don't try to lie Itachi." Pein– Nagato's voice boomed

"Yes, He's alive." Konan nodded

"She's headed towards Konoha."

"Why?" Everyone gave Itachi questioning looks

"Sukichi has been Kidnapped." Itachi replied bluntly

The killing intent was incomparable to no other, Itachi himself had hidden killing intent too but he hid it well

"Who's Sukichi?" Their heads turned towards the source of the voice

"...Asuma Sarutobi."

Itachi looked around the room, and finally noticed too many weird things, The akatsuki was alive (minus Kakuzu because Hoshi failed to retrieve his body), Hidan was not yelling curses, Sasori regained his emotions, To put it simply it felt as if Itachi was standing in a room of Revived people

Akatsuki is alive, So is Asuma, Now Itachi sighed... He was going to deal with a LOT.

He just hoped that his wife and son were going to be safe.


And of course he jinxed it.

Sukichi was of course safe..... In Tsunade's arms.

Kasumi was muttering curses as she got locked up.

Kasumi planned it perfectly, But she fell for Shikaku Nara's strategy. And so did Ruki and Akihiko.

Ruki was being interrogated, this time with a Yamanaka intruding her mind.

Akihiko was dealing with Anko.

And Kasumi... She was dealing with the darkness, holding her anger for as long as she could because she knew that anger will cloud her judgement.

But she couldn't help it, All she needed was her son! But one thing led to another and now she was locked up. But what was more infuriating was the fact that Tsunade was holding her Sukichi

Kasumi wanted to punch Someone– Anything. She was seething in anger, but she had to hold it in which resulted her tearing up, However she refused to cry.

The sounds of Metal hitting each other alarmed her, She glared at the floor as she saw a shadow getting close to her.

"Sumi." Eyes widening in shock she looked up to see the person she least wanted to see

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