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妻 TSUMA- Commonly used by males to refer to their own wife

CHAPTER 34: Exploring death

'Uchiha!' Itachi's face remained the same as he listened to Kichi through a mind connection.

He expected him to ramble his concerns but this time only two words left his mouth, and It was enough to make him understand.

"She's dead "

Itachi knew that even the strongest Shinobi have their own limits, Kasumi may not be strongest person he knew but he knew Kasumi damn too well to know that she would not die just within 2 days of being on the battlefield.

Something is not right.

He nodded to Sasuke before sprinting off, The two of them were finally able to make amends.

This is war. Sasuke watched as his brother ran ahead of him before internally huffing, his brother was going to leave his side again but this time, he trusted him.

Itachi ran until he reached Akihiko's location, he was speechless but he didn't show any emotions despite how peculiar the situation has become.

"Took *huff* y-*huff* you... long enough..." Itachi could only stare

"You must be Itachi Uchiha." Another voice spoke

"The boy who massacred the Uchiha clan... hmp, so you're Kasumi's husband, huh?" Itachi glared at the figure as he spoke

"Tell me, Do you know who I am?" 

"Tobirama Senju."

There was a few moments of deafening silence before the man revealed what had been going on

They had a plan.



Kasumi didn't speak a word as she stared at the void, she heard the after life was a beautiful place but perhaps the reason why she's in a void was because she left the world with something she couldn't finish.

If it were someone else, they would've accepted the fact that they were dead but Kasumi however, she knew herself.

I'm not done yet.

It took her a few seconds before a light appeared in her path, she heard voices.

"Hey Kid."


"I told you not to call me that. Idiot." 

The Hatake-Uchiha smirked before extending her hand into the light.

"Alright then, Kasu."

"Have you finished what you needed to do?" The older female asked

Kasumi nodded in response with a small smile

"Looks like exploring death was all I needed."

"They've been waiting, you're lucky to have me. If wasn't here there'd no pulling you back from the dead."

Within a matter of minutes, light slowly appeared in her view.

"-Asumi... Kasumi!" The Hatake-Uchiha finally opened her eyes to see Itachi so close to her face.

"Tsuma..." Itachi gently held before helping her sit up

"...You're welcome...Geez, that's a d-oww!"

"I would really appreciate it if you don't speak of my host like that."

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