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"Achoo!" I sneezed before I wiped my nose with a soft tissue... man, This is such a hassle...

This is exactly why I hate getting wet...

"You're temperature is rising... I'll go check on the soup then I'll send you one" Konan said before placing a warm towel on my forehead

"Thanks konan" I said in a raspy voice

She would make such a great mom...

I closed my eyes holding the blankets tight, I let out another sneeze before grabbing more tissues to wipe my nose

I fell asleep for a few seconds before I felt a headache...

"You okay?" I heard someone enter my room turns out to be itachi

"Well looking at the obvious... No." I said

 "Konan told me to give you this" Itachi said with a bowl of soup in hand, I groaned while sitting up, I was about to take the bowl away from his hand when he pulled the bowl further away from me

I looked at him with a frown

"Just sit down, don't move too much... I'll feed you" He said as he began to feed me

I considered him as a rival since childhood so I never really got to see this side of his... But I think it's really sweet...



Hoshi traveled all the way to konoha, The guards; Kotetsu and Izumo had let him in... They already knew who hoshi was because he was pretty famous and known to be the medical sannin's top student

To make it short he was also considered a genius mastering all types of poisons at the age of 9 and being able to do taijutsu like tsunade at the age of 11 and even being able to use advanced healing at the age of 13... and well you get the picture

On his way towards the hokage building he ran into shizune

"Oh my... Hoshi! is that you!?" Shizune asked shocked that she accidentally dropped all the files she was once carrying

"Shh, quiet shizune... If the old hag sees me she won't hesitate to pummel me instantly!" Hoshi said putting an index finger to his lips

"Sorry... It's been more than 5 years! How-- why?" Shizune asked before she began to pick up all the files she dropped with hoshi helping her out

"I have something to report" Hoshi said 

"To the hokage? I hope you know that lady tsunade is now--"

"Yes, I know shizune... Seems like those aren't just rumors anymore" Hoshi said

"What is it that you need to report?" Shizune asked him

"It's about kasumi" Hoshi answered with a frown


"Now come on, Help me with the wrath of my sensei... The sooner I face her the sooner we can find a solution" Hoshi said but shizune could only sigh as he looked at hoshi's walking figure with a sad smile

'He had definitely grown into such a wonderful shinobi... But, how is he going to take the news?' Shizune thought

Hoshi was the one who gave constant visits to the third hokage, And it so happens that the hokage had been keeping kasumi close to him... therefore, as time passed Hoshi had always seen kasumi as a little sister

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